IELTS Exam Sample Questions on IELTS Speaking Topic — Gender Roles

Parmar Sneha
6 min readMar 25, 2024


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I don’t see myself as strictly conforming to traditional gender norms. In my view, individuals are unique, and characteristics should not be confined by societal expectations based on gender. I believe in embracing a blend of qualities that define me as an individual, rather than adhering to predefined roles associated with being a man or a woman.

In your country are the responsibilities of a mother the same as the responsibilities of a father to their families?

The expectations and roles of mothers and fathers in my country have evolved over time, with an increasing emphasis on shared responsibilities. While traditional gender roles persist to some extent, there is a growing recognition of the need for equal contribution from both parents in terms of child-rearing, household chores, and financial support. Society is gradually shifting toward more equitable distribution of family responsibilities.

What are the responsibilities of a father to his family?

A father’s responsibilities to his family encompass a diverse range of roles. This includes providing emotional support, contributing to financial stability, actively participating in parenting and childcare, and maintaining a healthy and communicative relationship with the spouse. Modern perspectives emphasize the importance of shared responsibilities between parents, ensuring the well-being and development of the entire family unit.

What are the responsibilities of a mother to her family?

A mother’s responsibilities are multifaceted, involving nurturing and caring for the family. Traditionally, mothers have been associated with tasks such as managing the household, childcare, and emotional support. However, evolving societal norms recognize that mothers can also pursue careers and contribute to the family’s financial stability. The responsibilities of a mother today may include balancing work and family commitments while fostering a supportive and nurturing environment.

Are fathers capable of carrying out the duties of a mother and vice versa?

Yes, fathers are fully capable of carrying out duties traditionally associated with mothers, and vice versa. Gender does not determine one’s ability to fulfill various roles within a family. The capacity to provide emotional support, engage in childcare, manage the household, and contribute financially is not exclusive to a specific gender. The evolving nature of family dynamics emphasizes shared responsibilities and encourages individuals to contribute based on their strengths and interests.

Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?

Historically, there have been different expectations for sons and daughters, rooted in traditional gender roles. Sons were often expected to be assertive, independent, and pursue careers, while daughters were expected to prioritize nurturing roles and domestic responsibilities. However, societal norms are changing, and there is a growing push for equal expectations and opportunities for both sons and daughters, fostering a more inclusive and equitable approach.

What habits are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?

Gender norms have historically dictated certain habits as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women. For example, behaviors like assertiveness, competitiveness, or displaying strong emotions were traditionally associated with men. However, contemporary perspectives challenge these stereotypes, recognizing that individuals, regardless of gender, can exhibit a diverse range of habits and behaviors. It is essential to break free from restrictive expectations and embrace authenticity.

What behaviors are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?

Traditional gender norms have associated specific behaviors with appropriateness based on gender. For instance, assertiveness, decisiveness, and leadership were often seen as more acceptable for men. In contrast, women were sometimes expected to adopt nurturing, accommodating, or cooperative behaviors. However, evolving societal attitudes encourage breaking free from such stereotypes, allowing individuals to express a wide range of behaviors irrespective of gender.

What jobs are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?

Historical gender biases have influenced perceptions of job appropriateness based on gender. Certain professions, such as construction, engineering, or positions requiring physical strength, were often deemed more appropriate for men. However, contemporary perspectives advocate for breaking down these stereotypes, promoting equal opportunities for men and women across all professions based on skills, qualifications, and interests rather than gender.

Are more doctors female or male in your country?

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of female doctors in my country. The medical profession has witnessed a positive shift towards greater gender diversity, with more women pursuing careers in medicine. This change reflects a broader societal trend of breaking down traditional gender barriers and providing equal opportunities for individuals to pursue their chosen professions.

Are more nurses female or male in your country?

Nursing has traditionally been a profession predominantly occupied by females in my country. The gender disparity in nursing has persisted over time, with a higher representation of women in this field. Efforts to challenge these stereotypes and encourage gender diversity in professions, including nursing, are gaining attention, but there is still progress to be made in achieving a more balanced representation.

Are more professional musicians female or male in your country?

The gender distribution in the field of professional music varies, but historically, there has been a notable presence of both male and female musicians. The music industry is gradually becoming more inclusive, providing opportunities for individuals of all genders to pursue successful careers as professional musicians. Efforts to break down gender stereotypes and promote diversity are contributing to a more balanced representation in the musical landscape.

Are more teachers female or male in your country?

The teaching profession has seen a historical trend of a higher representation of female teachers in my country. This pattern is prevalent at various levels of education. While there has been progress in challenging traditional gender roles, with more men entering the teaching profession, a gender imbalance still exists. Initiatives to encourage equal representation and recognition of teachers based on merit rather than gender are ongoing.

Are more truck drivers female or male in your country?

Traditionally, the truck driving profession has been predominantly male-dominated in my country. This occupational gender stereotype has persisted, resulting in fewer female truck drivers. However, efforts are being made to challenge these norms and promote inclusivity in professions traditionally associated with a specific gender. Increasing awareness and breaking down barriers can contribute to a more diverse and balanced representation in occupations like truck driving.

Are men and women equal in ability and intelligence?

Yes, men and women are equal in ability and intelligence. Biological differences do not determine intellectual capacity or abilities. The concept of gender equality emphasizes that all individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities and recognition based on their skills, talents, and capabilities. Acknowledging and fostering equality in education, employment, and societal roles is essential for breaking down gender-based stereotypes and promoting a fair and inclusive society.

Can men wear women’s clothing or can women wear men’s clothing? Why or why not?

Yes, individuals can wear clothing traditionally associated with the opposite gender, as clothing preferences are subjective and personal expressions of style. Gender-neutral fashion is increasingly embraced, challenging traditional norms. Society is evolving to recognize and celebrate diverse expressions of identity, allowing individuals to choose clothing based on personal comfort and style rather than adhering to rigid gender norms.

Can men wear pink clothes?

Absolutely, men can wear pink clothes, just as women can wear any color they choose. The perception that certain colors are exclusively for a specific gender is a societal construct, and breaking free from such stereotypes is essential for promoting individual expression and personal style. Men wearing pink challenges outdated norms and contributes to a more inclusive and diverse understanding of fashion.

Is it OK for men to cry?

Yes, it is absolutely okay for men to cry. Expressing emotions, including crying, is a natural and healthy aspect of human experience. Traditional gender expectations may have propagated the notion that men should not display vulnerability, but contemporary perspectives encourage breaking free from such stereotypes. Emotional expression is a fundamental part of being human, and both men and women should feel empowered to express their feelings authentically.

