IELTS Speaking Questions With Answers On IELTS Speaking Subject — Different Viewpoints

Parmar Sneha
4 min readJun 23, 2024


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Do you enjoy hearing different viewpoints from your own?

Yes, I enjoy diverse perspectives as they offer valuable insights and promote intellectual growth. It fosters open-mindedness and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Can you think of a time you changed your mind due to someone else’s perspective?

Certainly, during a debate about environmental policies, a friend presented compelling data that shifted my stance. It highlighted the importance of considering evidence and diverse viewpoints in forming well-informed opinions.

Is it important to try to understand the viewpoints of others? Why?

Absolutely, understanding others’ viewpoints fosters empathy, enhances communication, and promotes tolerance. It builds bridges, facilitates constructive discussions, and contributes to a more harmonious and interconnected society.

Have you ever gotten into an argument because of differing viewpoints?

Yes, discussions about political ideologies led to arguments. However, these experiences taught me the importance of respectful dialogue and finding common ground, even when viewpoints differ.

Are there certain topics where you find it more difficult to see other viewpoints?

Topics involving ethical or moral principles can be challenging. Despite efforts, deeply ingrained beliefs may create resistance. However, I strive to approach such discussions with an open mind and respect for diverse perspectives.

How do you react when someone has a strong viewpoint that opposes yours?

I listen attentively, seeking to understand their reasoning. Engaging in respectful dialogue helps bridge gaps and find common ground. It’s an opportunity for mutual learning, and I appreciate the chance to refine my own perspective.

Do you think social media makes it easier or harder to understand different viewpoints?

Social media can both facilitate and hinder understanding. While it exposes diverse opinions, echo chambers can reinforce biases. Critical consumption and engaging in thoughtful discussions are crucial for leveraging social media’s potential for broadening viewpoints.

Can having friends with diverse backgrounds broaden your viewpoints?

Absolutely, diverse friendships provide exposure to varied cultural, social, and personal perspectives. It enriches my understanding of the world, challenges assumptions, and fosters a more inclusive worldview.

Do you believe respecting different viewpoints is a sign of maturity?

Yes, respecting diverse viewpoints is a hallmark of maturity. It reflects emotional intelligence, open-mindedness, and the ability to navigate disagreements with grace and empathy.

Do you try to expose yourself to different viewpoints through media or reading?

Yes, I intentionally diversify my media consumption and reading. Exploring content from various sources broadens my understanding of global issues, societal dynamics, and individual experiences, contributing to a well-rounded perspective.

Have you ever traveled to a place with a very different culture and viewpoints from your own?

Yes, traveling to culturally distinct places, like Japan, exposed me to unique worldviews. Experiencing diverse traditions and interacting with locals broadened my cultural understanding, fostering a global perspective.

Do you think some viewpoints can be harmful?

Yes, certain viewpoints can be harmful, such as those promoting discrimination or violence. Critical evaluation is crucial to distinguish between diverse opinions and perspectives that perpetuate harm.

Is there a viewpoint you once held that you no longer agree with?

Earlier, I held a rigid stance on a particular political issue. Over time, exposure to alternative perspectives and information led me to reconsider, illustrating the importance of evolving viewpoints based on knowledge and diverse insights.

How do you find common ground when discussing differing viewpoints?

Finding common values or shared goals is key. Identifying common ground creates a foundation for constructive dialogue. It encourages understanding and collaborative problem-solving, fostering positive outcomes in discussions with differing viewpoints.

Is it ever okay to avoid discussing topics where you know viewpoints might clash?

Yes, in certain situations, avoiding contentious discussions can be prudent. Sensitivity to others’ emotions and recognizing when productive dialogue is unlikely ensures harmonious interactions, preserving relationships without compromising one’s values.

Do you think society is becoming more or less tolerant of different viewpoints?

Societal tolerance fluctuates, but overall, I believe there’s a growing awareness of the importance of diversity in perspectives. However, polarization exists, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts to foster empathy, understanding, and respectful discourse in society.

Has a teacher or mentor ever influenced a significant change in your viewpoints?

Yes, a mentor challenged my perspectives on leadership, emphasizing empathy and collaboration. Their guidance reshaped my approach, illustrating the transformative power of mentors in influencing viewpoints and encouraging personal growth.

Can exposure to different viewpoints make you more empathetic?

Absolutely, exposure to diverse viewpoints enhances empathy. Understanding others’ experiences fosters compassion, breaking down stereotypes, and promoting a genuine connection with people from varied backgrounds.

Do you think it’s frustrating when people don’t consider your viewpoint?

While it can be frustrating, I view it as an opportunity for dialogue. Encouraging open discussions and mutual understanding helps navigate diverse viewpoints constructively, fostering an environment where diverse opinions are respected and valued.

Do you like to debate or simply agree to disagree when it comes to different viewpoints?

I appreciate both approaches, adapting to the context. Engaging in healthy debates can be intellectually stimulating, fostering learning. Simultaneously, agreeing to disagree is essential in situations where mutual respect takes precedence over reaching a consensus.

