IELTS Speaking Test Question And Answer On IELTS Speaking Theme A Place You Feel Safe

Parmar Sneha
4 min readMay 23, 2024


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Can you describe a place where you feel safe and secure?

I feel safest and most secure in my home, particularly in my bedroom where I have a sense of privacy and comfort.

What makes this place special in terms of safety for you?

My home is familiar, equipped with security measures, and filled with items that hold personal significance, fostering a strong sense of protection and peace.

How often do you visit or spend time in this safe place?

I spend the majority of my time at home, especially during evenings and weekends, creating a consistent and comforting environment.

Are there specific activities or rituals you associate with this safe place?

Engaging in relaxation activities like reading, listening to music, or simply unwinding after a long day helps reinforce the feeling of safety and calmness at home.

How has the concept of safety in places changed over time?

Advances in technology and changes in societal norms have influenced the perception and implementation of safety measures in various places, evolving to address new challenges and concerns.

Can you recall a specific moment or event that reinforced the sense of safety in that place?

During a severe thunderstorm, being at home surrounded by family and knowing we were prepared with emergency supplies and a safe shelter reinforced the sense of security in my home.

Are there any cultural influences on how people define and seek safety in places?

Cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may influence preferences for certain types of dwellings, neighborhoods, or community structures perceived as safer based on shared norms and experiences.

How do different generations in your family perceive the idea of a safe place?

Older generations may prioritize physical security measures, while younger generations may emphasize emotional and psychological safety in environments that foster open communication and support.

Can a safe place contribute to mental and emotional well-being?

Absolutely, feeling safe and secure in a place reduces stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation, and provides a foundation for emotional resilience and overall well-being.

How do you handle situations where the safety of your chosen place is compromised?

I promptly address safety concerns by implementing necessary precautions, seeking assistance from relevant authorities, or relocating to an alternative safe location until the situation is resolved.

Can technology enhance or diminish the sense of safety in a place?

Technology such as security systems, surveillance cameras, and communication devices can enhance the sense of safety by providing real-time monitoring and immediate access to help, but excessive reliance on technology may also lead to feelings of vulnerability or isolation.

Are there any challenges or obstacles you face in maintaining the safety of that place?

Ensuring the safety of my home requires regular maintenance, vigilance against potential hazards, and adapting security measures to address evolving risks, which can be challenging but necessary for long-term safety.

How do you feel about sharing your safe place with others?

While I value privacy and personal space, sharing my safe place with trusted individuals can strengthen bonds, provide mutual support, and create a sense of belonging and security within a community.

Can a sense of safety in a place be influenced by environmental factors?

Yes, factors such as neighborhood crime rates, infrastructure quality, natural disaster risks, and social cohesion significantly influence perceptions of safety in a place, shaping residents’ behaviors and well-being.

How has the pandemic affected the way people perceive safety in certain places?

The pandemic has heightened awareness of health and hygiene safety measures in public spaces, leading to increased precautions and changes in behaviors to minimize health risks and promote safety.

Are there any traditional or cultural practices related to seeking safety in your country?

Cultural practices such as building designs for protection against natural disasters, community-based safety initiatives, and rituals to ward off negative energies reflect traditional approaches to safety and well-being in various cultures.

How does the time of day or season impact your feelings of safety in that place?

While my home generally feels safe throughout the day, evenings and nights may evoke a greater sense of security, especially when surrounded by familiar surroundings and dimmed lighting.

Can a safe place serve as an escape or retreat from daily stressors?

Yes, a safe place provides a sanctuary where I can unwind, recharge, and find solace from the demands of daily life, offering a reprieve from stressors and fostering emotional replenishment.

How do you ensure that the safety of that place is maintained over time?

Regular assessment of safety measures, addressing potential risks promptly, staying informed about safety protocols, and fostering a supportive environment for residents contribute to maintaining the safety and security of my home over time.

Can the concept of a safe place evolve based on life experiences and personal growth?

Yes, life experiences, personal growth, and changing circumstances can influence perceptions of safety and preferences for different environments, leading to an evolving concept of what constitutes a safe place over time.

