IELTS Speaking Test Question And Answer On IELTS Speaking Topic — Goals

Parmar Sneha
4 min readMar 28, 2024


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What is your biggest goal in life?

My biggest goal is to find work that’s a good blend of both fulfilling and financially sustainable. Right now, I’m passionate about [career interest area] and hope to build a successful career in this field.

How do you plan to achieve that goal?

I have a multi-part plan. Firstly, I’m completing [degree or additional certifications], which will give me the necessary groundwork. Simultaneously, I’m actively networking and trying to gain hands-on experience through internships or volunteering.

What are your “short term” goals?

In the short term, I’m aiming to complete my [current education milestone] with strong results. I also want to secure a relevant internship position to gain practical skills and enhance my resume.

What are your “long term” goals?

Looking towards the future, I want to establish myself in my chosen field, continue developing professionally, and perhaps lead projects or teams that create real-world impact.

Should parents help their children set goals?

Yes, but guidance is key. Rather than dictating a path, parents can spark conversations about interests and possibilities. Helping with action steps while maintaining child agency supports developing strong goal-setting habits.

What are your educational goals?

My current educational goal is to graduate [degree/certificate] with [mention grade aspiration if realistic]. After, I may pursue further qualifications like [advanced diploma, specific training], depending on how my career trajectory develops.

What are your career goals?

My ultimate career goal is to find a role where I continually learn, face interesting challenges, and contribute something meaningful within [your desired industry]. Ideally, this involves having some level of influence on impactful projects.

What are your financial goals?

Primarily, financial stability. Enough to live comfortably, support my own lifestyle, and eventually, perhaps [raise a family, buy a home, etc.]. While massive wealth isn’t my pursuit, financial security helps enable and support other goals.

Why are goals important?

They provide focus and motivation. Having a clear target makes our actions feel less random and keeps us accountable. They also help track progress, adapt if needed, and give that rewarding sense of accomplishment when achieved.

Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?

While not necessarily a guarantee, aiming for something fuels self-development. Even unmet goals help re-evaluate and adapt. The process makes striving for success inherently embedded in one’s mindset.

Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?

Absolutely. With a tangible purpose, the why behind sacrifices or efforts becomes clearer. Goals, and especially small successes along the way, build momentum, making it more likely to sustain motivation across challenges.

Do you think people have fewer goals as they get older?

This varies. Sometimes responsibilities take center stage, causing a shift in goal types. It could be fewer but bigger personal goals alongside family or work-related milestones. For others, age brings knowledge of interests and increased determination.

Do you have any goals that you feel are unrealistic?

Perhaps not entirely unrealistic, but one very ambitious goal would be [aspirational, long-shot goal]. While achieving it seems distant, I think breaking it into smaller goals is possible. There’s the ‘moon-shot’ aim while maintaining realistic ones

How do people’s goals change from country to country?

Culture, societal expectations, and economic situation shape goal priorities. Some places might put greater emphasis on family goals, or a career is focused on stability over fulfilling personal ambition. Circumstances shape what’s perceived as attainable.

What are your goals in your current job?

Right now, I’m aiming to master my current responsibilities to the best of my ability. While doing so, I’m looking for opportunities to contribute to cross-departmental projects or take on initiatives to expand my skill set.

Do you think it’s a good idea to write your goals down and tick them off as you achieve them?

Absolutely. Writing makes them concrete. Crossing them off is visual satisfaction. Plus, the process allows better analysis of what worked, and how to tweak future goals based on past successes or missteps.

How important are goals to you?

Goals are vital for me. They steer my focus, keep me accountable, and give that motivating sense of ‘why’ alongside daily obligations. Without something specific to work towards, I believe it’s easy to stagnate.

What do you hope to have achieved by the time you’re sixty?

This feels far off, but ideally, I’d be in a fulfilling point in my career, financially secure, and have perhaps started [family building aspiration if true]. More than specifics, it’s about feeling at peace and proud of how I’ve navigated my path.

