IELTS Speaking Test Question And Answer On IELTS Speaking Topic-
Who is the greatest…?

Parmar Sneha
4 min readMay 15, 2024


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Who is the greatest pop singer?

This is so subjective! There have been incredible pop icons across many decades. If I had to pick just one, I might say Michael Jackson. His influence on popular music, his powerful stage presence, and those groundbreaking music videos were phenomenal. But truthfully, any artist selling out stadiums is doing something undeniably “great”.

Who is the greatest leader in the past?

I find this really hard to judge. Throughout history, there have been different leadership needs. Some iconic figures might be considered ‘great’ due to their role in major wars or social changes. However, does that negate the everyday brilliance of quiet leaders who never make history books? It’s complex!

Who is the greatest country leader today?

This almost feels like a dangerous question! With a global lens, “greatness” often gets tied to a nation’s wealth and power. I’d rather look for signs of a leader focusing on well-being for their people, environmental protection, and diplomatic cooperation instead of just political might.

Who is the greatest cook you know?

Hands down, my grandmother. She doesn’t follow crazy recipes, but somehow her meals feel like warm hugs! I think food and love are connected, and that’s where she truly shines.

Who is the greatest basketball player?

I don’t follow basketball closely, but from what I understand, there’s always debate between greats like LeBron James and Michael Jordan. It likely depends on the specific metric for ‘greatness’ you choose: points scored, championships won, leadership… those discussions never end!

Who is the greatest football player?

Here I fall into the same trap! Fans always compare the likes of Messi and Ronaldo, each with mind-blowing talent. Honestly, the sport itself depends on teamwork, so even picking one star “greatest” feels a bit misleading.

Who is the all-time greatest athlete in the world?

Defining greatness in athletics gets messy. Do you prioritize raw physical dominance, breaking records, or cultural impact? I’m impressed by anyone who’s honed skills to a mastery level. Think Olympic gymnasts or long-distance runners — pushing human potential in vastly different ways!

Where is the greatest place to play in your city?

During summer, it’s hard to beat the lake nearby. There’s swimming, paddleboarding, picnic space, and even a concert series on some nights. I love that it makes outdoor fun accessible to anyone living here.

Where is the greatest place to play in the world?

“Play” means different things to different people. Personally, I love amusement parks for a thrill. However, I understand for many, spending time in a pristine wild setting allows playfulness of imagination and exploration — that’s special too!

What is the greatest movie from the past year?

I tend to gravitate towards smaller independent films, though sadly they lack the hype of blockbusters. Instead, maybe I’ll flip it: what movie generated the most interesting conversations with people close to me afterwards? That feels like a marker of greatness to me.

What is the greatest all-time movie?

Again, this feels impossible! Genres evolve, storytelling methods shift with technology… Comparing something from the early days of cinema to modern films seems futile. Perhaps a better measure is a movie people are STILL watching generations later, due to its universal themes or cultural importance.

Who is the greatest actress?

The truly fantastic ones become chameleons! Meryl Streep always comes to mind — she completely disappears into each role, tackling such vast ranges of emotion and types of characters.

Who is the greatest actor?

I feel similarly to actresses in that respect. Someone like Daniel Day-Lewis throws himself so entirely into a role. Watching one of his films, you get the sense that he doesn’t just act the part, but transforms himself somehow. That level of dedication is incredibly compelling.

Who is the greatest kung fu master?

In terms of pop culture impact, definitely Bruce Lee. His films ignited Western interest in the art. As for the actual practice, perhaps it’s not even about a single greatest master, but the lineage of teachers and students passing down knowledge of such a long-standing discipline.

Who is the greatest businessman in the world?

It’s tempting to go by sheer wealth. But that often hides unsavory tactics. I’d look for someone who also built a truly innovative company, or whose ideas transformed how we live, even at a smaller scale. And, honestly, someone who focuses on ethical treatment of workers and environmental impact would go a long way too!

