IELTS Speaking Test Question And Answer On IELTS Speaking Topic-
Would You Rather…?

Parmar Sneha
3 min readMay 13, 2024


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Would you rather be rich or poor?

While not having to worry about basic necessities certainly eases life, I don’t believe rich equals happy. I’d rather focus on having my needs comfortably met while finding meaning through relationships and purpose, rather than wealth for its own sake.

Would you rather be a boy or a girl?

I’m comfortable with my own gender identity. Though there are certainly societal expectations tied to being a woman, ultimately, I’ve had experiences that have shaped who I am. I wouldn’t trade those away to try something theoretically different.

Would you rather be short or tall?

While either has its pros and cons, I’d probably pick tall just out of curiosity. Since I’ve always been on the shorter side, it’d be fun to see the world from a different vantage point for a change!

Would you rather go to California or New York?

This is tough! I like the vibe of both, though for slightly different reasons. I suppose, if forced to pick, I’d go with California. Being outdoors is crucial to me, and the variety of terrain there, from beaches to mountains, would be fantastic to explore.

Would you rather live in Europe or Asia?

Ah, a classic question! Both have such a variety of cultures and history. Asia might provide the bigger contrast to what I’m used to, making it the potential winner. Learning a new language would be challenging, but that excites me too.

Would you rather live in an apartment building or a house?

Right now, the convenience of an apartment makes my life much easier. Less stuff to worry about maintaining, and often a built-in social connection with neighbors nearby. Still, someday a little house with a garden space sounds lovely!

Would you rather have glass elbows or glass knees?

Oh goodness, the potential to break something vital with everyday movement! Probably glass elbows if that choice is unavoidable. Those seem slightly less prone to sudden impact while navigating day-to-day life.

Would you rather have one long finger or 10 short fingers?

I rely on fine motor skills quite a bit for work and hobbies. While one long finger would get attention, practically speaking, those 10 short fingers seem to allow for the better overall function.

Would you rather have dog’s ears or hawks eyes?

Hawks eyes, without a doubt. While some folks are fond of dog’s incredible hearing, being able to see with such intense sharp precision sounds truly exceptional. That perspective from heights would be an added bonus!

Would you rather sing everything you say, or dance every time you move?

Though I adore dance, constantly moving is bound to get exhausting! At least singing everything has a slight potential for melody, allowing some element of control. That seems preferable to non-stop, uncontrolled movement.

