Latest IELTS Speaking Questions For IELTS Test Practice On IELTS Topic — Animal Welfare

Parmar Sneha
4 min readJun 7, 2024


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Do you consider yourself an animal lover?

Yes, I’m passionate about animals, appreciating their unique qualities and advocating for their well-being.

Do you think it’s important to be concerned about animal welfare?

Absolutely, animal welfare is crucial. It reflects our responsibility to protect and respect other living beings, promoting a compassionate and ethical coexistence.

What are some of the biggest threats to animal welfare?

Habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and poaching are significant threats. Factory farming and unethical practices in industries like fashion and cosmetics also pose serious challenges to animal welfare.

Do you support any animal rights charities or organizations?

Yes, I actively support reputable animal rights organizations working towards safeguarding animals from cruelty and exploitation.

Do you think animals should have the same rights as humans?

While animals deserve ethical treatment, their rights shouldn’t mirror humans. Tailored rights addressing their needs and preventing cruelty are essential for a harmonious coexistence.

Do you think it’s ethical to use animals for food?

Ethical treatment throughout an animal’s life is crucial. Responsible, humane farming practices can align with ethical considerations.

Do you try to buy products that were not tested on animals?

Yes, I prioritize cruelty-free products, supporting brands committed to ethical testing alternatives.

Do you think it’s okay to use animals for medical research?

While it’s essential for medical advancements, ethical guidelines ensuring minimal harm should be strictly followed. Continuous efforts to develop alternatives to animal testing are crucial for balancing scientific progress with animal welfare.

Is it acceptable to keep animals in zoos?

Ethical zoos play a role in conservation, education, and rehabilitation. However, strict standards, spacious enclosures, and prioritizing animal well-being are necessary to ensure their ethical treatment in captivity.

Do you think it’s ever okay to wear fur?

With the availability of ethical alternatives, wearing fur from animals raised solely for fashion is unnecessary. Sustainable, cruelty-free fashion options respect animal welfare and align with modern ethical standards.

What can individuals do to improve animal welfare?

Supporting ethical practices, adopting rather than buying pets, promoting awareness, and choosing sustainable, cruelty-free products collectively contribute to improved animal welfare.

Should there be stricter laws protecting animals?

Yes, stringent laws are vital. Legal frameworks should address cruelty prevention, responsible farming, and the ethical treatment of animals in various industries, ensuring accountability and promoting a compassionate society.

Do you think pets are treated well in your country?

Generally, yes. However, there’s room for improvement in awareness, responsible ownership, and combating issues like abandonment.

Are you interested in working with animals?

Yes, I’m passionate about working with animals, fostering their well-being, and contributing to conservation efforts.

Do you think some animals deserve more protection than others?

All animals deserve protection, but those facing higher risks, like endangered species, warrant additional conservation efforts.

Did you have any pets growing up?

Yes, I had pets growing up, fostering a deep appreciation for animals and instilling values of care and responsibility.

Is it important for children to learn about animal welfare?

Absolutely. Educating children instills empathy, responsibility, and a sense of ethical treatment towards animals, fostering a compassionate and respectful approach to all living beings.

Are there any endangered animals in your country?

Yes, several species in my country are endangered, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts and heightened awareness.

Do you think animals have emotions and feelings?

Yes, animals exhibit a range of emotions and feelings, including joy, fear, and affection. Scientific evidence supports their capacity for complex emotional experiences, urging us to consider and respect their emotional well-being.

Do you think animal welfare will improve in the future?

Optimistically, with increasing awareness, ethical practices, and collective efforts, I believe animal welfare will improve in the future. Society’s evolving compassion and commitment to ethical treatment lay the foundation for positive change in the treatment of animals.

