Latest IELTS Speaking Questions On IELTS Speaking Test Topic — Living Arrangements

Parmar Sneha
5 min readApr 9, 2024


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Do you like spending time at home?

Yes, I truly enjoy spending time at home. It’s a place where I can relax, unwind, and create a sanctuary of comfort and familiarity. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie, or simply being in the company of loved ones, home is a haven for me.

Where do you live and lived before? Who do you live with?

Currently, I reside in a cozy apartment in the heart of the city. Previously, I lived in a suburban neighborhood. I share my current living space with my partner, creating a warm and welcoming environment.

When you were a child, did you have to share a bedroom with your siblings? Did you like it or did you want your own room?

Yes, during my childhood, I shared a bedroom with my younger sibling. At first, it felt like a natural arrangement, fostering a sense of companionship. However, as we grew older, the desire for personal space and privacy led to occasional yearnings for my own room.

Which part of town do you live in? What are good and bad areas to live in your town?

I currently reside in the central part of the town, which provides easy access to amenities and cultural attractions. Good areas typically have a blend of safety, convenience, and community vibes, while less favorable areas might face issues like noise, limited services, or safety concerns.

What would be your ideal living arrangement? Why?

My ideal living arrangement would be a spacious house in a peaceful countryside setting. The tranquility of nature, fresh air, and expansive landscapes appeal to me. The slower pace of life in the countryside would provide a welcome contrast to the hustle and bustle of city living, promoting relaxation and a deeper connection with the environment.

What part of your country would you ideally like to live in? Why?

Ideally, I would love to live in a picturesque seaside town. The combination of coastal beauty, the soothing sound of waves, and a close-knit community creates a serene and idyllic living environment. It offers a perfect balance between natural tranquility and accessibility to essential amenities.

If you could buy land and build your dream house, what would it look like? Why?

I would envision a modern, eco-friendly house with a design that seamlessly blends with the surrounding landscape. Large windows would invite natural light, creating a harmonious connection between the interior and exterior. The emphasis on sustainability aligns with my values, contributing to a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

How many and what rooms would it have? How big would they be?

My dream house would feature various rooms, including a living room, bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, bathrooms, a study, and perhaps a conservatory. Each room would be designed for functionality and comfort, with sizes optimized to create a cozy yet open atmosphere.

Which room is the most important for you in your home?

The most important room for me is the living room. It serves as the heart of the home, a place for relaxation, socializing, and making memories with loved ones. Its ambiance and comfort are crucial for fostering a sense of warmth and connection.

How would you decorate it inside?

I would opt for a blend of natural elements, combining wood and glass furniture to create a modern yet inviting atmosphere. Earthy tones and soft textures would dominate the decor, complemented by artworks, mirrors, and perhaps some musical instruments to add a personal touch.

What colors and lighting would you use?

I would choose neutral and calming colors like beige and light blue to create a tranquil atmosphere. Natural lighting would be maximized with large windows, supplemented by warm artificial lighting in the evenings to maintain a cozy ambiance.

Do you collect a lot of things?

While I appreciate meaningful keepsakes and mementos, I tend to avoid excessive clutter. I believe in surrounding myself with items that hold sentimental value or contribute to the aesthetic and functionality of the space.

Is it important that your house is ecologically friendly?

Absolutely, the ecological footprint of my house is significant to me. Utilizing sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and implementing eco-friendly practices align with my commitment to minimizing environmental impact and promoting a greener lifestyle.

Is it important to have a garden/lawn?

Yes, having a garden or lawn is important to me. It provides a space for outdoor activities, relaxation, and a connection with nature. Cultivating a garden also contributes to the overall aesthetics of the property and enhances the sense of tranquility.

Do you keep plants inside your house? Why or why not?

Yes, I enjoy keeping indoor plants as they not only add a touch of greenery to the interior but also contribute to improved air quality. The presence of plants creates a calming and refreshing ambiance, promoting overall well-being.

Do you like keeping animals in your house?

While I appreciate the companionship of animals, I prefer not to keep them inside the house due to considerations like allergies and cleanliness. However, I believe in providing a suitable outdoor space for pets to enjoy and roam freely.

Is it important to keep your house very clean or do you feel more comfortable with a bit of an ‘organized chaos’?

I lean towards maintaining a clean and organized living space. A clutter-free environment fosters a sense of calm and promotes efficiency in daily activities. However, a touch of personalized chaos or creative mess can add character and warmth to a home.

If you could change one thing about your current house to make it more comfortable, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about my current house, I would enhance the natural lighting. More windows or larger ones would bring in additional sunlight, creating a brighter and more uplifting atmosphere throughout the living spaces.

