Latest IELTS Speaking Questions on Topic — Planning Party For IELTS Test Practice

Parmar Sneha
4 min readApr 16, 2024


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Did you ever have dance parties in your middle/high school?

Yes, dance parties were common during middle and high school events, such as proms or social gatherings. They provided a lively and energetic atmosphere for students to enjoy music and socialize.

Where would you like to have the party?

The ideal party location varies based on the occasion and theme. I appreciate diverse settings, whether it’s a cozy gathering at home, an outdoor picnic, or a rented venue that complements the event’s purpose.

Who is the party for?

The party’s focus depends on the occasion. It could be a birthday celebration for a friend, a holiday gathering for family, or a themed event for a special milestone. Clarifying the purpose helps in planning and tailoring the experience for the attendees.

Why are you throwing this party?

The motivation behind throwing a party varies, from celebrating personal milestones and fostering social connections to simply enjoying quality time with loved ones. Defining the purpose ensures that the party aligns with specific goals and intentions.

What kind of people go to parties? Obligatory guests? Guests of honor?

Parties attract a diverse mix of individuals, including close friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances. Obligatory guests may be those expected due to social norms, while guests of honor could include individuals being celebrated or recognized during the event. The range of attendees contributes to the party’s dynamic atmosphere.

What are some ways of describing guests at a party?

Guests at a party can be described based on their interactions, energy, and engagement. Some may be sociable and lively, while others could be more reserved or observant. Describing guests often involves noting their contributions to the overall atmosphere and the interactions they have with others.

What are some parties that you are expected to bring gifts?

Parties where gifts are expected may include birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and housewarming celebrations. These occasions typically involve gift-giving as a customary expression of goodwill and celebration.

Who will you invite?

The guest list depends on the nature of the party and the relationships with individuals. Invitations could extend to close friends, family, colleagues, or a specific group aligned with the event’s purpose.

Will you send out invitations?

Yes, sending out invitations is a thoughtful way to communicate details about the party and create a sense of anticipation. It allows guests to plan and ensures that everyone receives essential information about the event.

What do you need to think about if you are having a BBQ party outside?

Hosting a BBQ party outside involves considerations such as weather, seating arrangements, and safety precautions. Planning for a backup location in case of rain, providing shaded areas, and having essential BBQ equipment are vital aspects to ensure a successful outdoor gathering.

What time do you like for parties to start or to end?

The preferred party timing depends on the occasion and the nature of the gathering. Evening parties may start around 7 or 8 PM, providing ample time for guests to arrive. The ending time can vary but often aligns with when the majority of guests start to leave, ensuring a smooth conclusion to the event.

Do you like going to parties with a date or by yourself?

Both scenarios have their merits. Going to parties with a date can enhance the social experience, while attending alone offers the opportunity to meet new people and navigate freely. It depends on the context and personal preferences.

What kind of decisions do you need to make when you plan a party?

Planning a party involves various decisions, including the theme, guest list, venue, decorations, food and beverages, entertainment, and any specific activities or games. Each decision contributes to creating a cohesive and enjoyable event.

Do you enjoy hosting parties at your house?

Yes, I genuinely enjoy hosting parties at my house. It allows me to express hospitality, create a welcoming environment, and share meaningful experiences with friends and family. Hosting provides a sense of fulfillment and connection.

What are the characteristics of a good host?

A good host possesses qualities such as hospitality, attention to detail, flexibility, and the ability to make guests feel comfortable. Effective communication, organization, and a genuine interest in the well-being of attendees contribute to the overall success of the event.

