Latest IELTS Speaking Topics Questions And Answers on IELTS Speaking Theme — Conflict Resolution

Parmar Sneha
3 min readJun 16, 2024


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Is respect something you actively think about in your daily life?

Absolutely, I believe respect is fundamental in all interactions.

Do you think you’re good at resolving conflicts?

Yes, I’ve honed skills in communication and finding common ground.

How do you typically react when you’re in a conflict?

I remain calm, listen actively, and seek constructive solutions.

Do you try to avoid conflict?

No, I address conflicts proactively for resolution and understanding.

Do you prefer to resolve conflict immediately or wait for things to calm down?

It depends on the situation, but addressing issues promptly is often beneficial.

Do you think it’s important to listen to the other person’s perspective during conflict?

Absolutely, understanding diverse perspectives is key to effective conflict resolution.

Are you willing to compromise to resolve a conflict?

Yes, finding common ground through compromise is crucial.

Have you ever resolved a major conflict with someone? How?

Yes, through open communication, empathy, and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

Do you think some people are naturally better at handling conflict than others?

Yes, some possess innate communication and empathy skills that aid conflict resolution.

Can conflict sometimes be positive?

Absolutely, it can lead to growth, strengthened relationships, and improved understanding.

Is it difficult for you to stay calm during a tense disagreement?

No, I focus on maintaining composure to facilitate productive discussions.

Do you try to see conflicts as opportunities for growth?

Yes, conflicts often bring valuable insights and opportunities for personal development.

Do you prefer to deal with conflict privately or in front of others?

Privately, to ensure a more open and honest exchange without external pressures.

Do you think it’s ever acceptable to walk away from conflict unresolved?

In certain situations, if both parties need time and space for reflection.

Is bringing up past disagreements during a conflict helpful?

Generally, it’s more constructive to focus on the current issue at hand.

Could you forgive someone who deeply hurt you?

Forgiveness may take time, but it’s possible with sincere remorse and effort to mend.

Do you think everyone has a different approach to resolving conflict?

Yes, individuals bring unique perspectives and methods to conflict resolution.

Were you taught how to handle conflict as a child?

Yes, I learned the importance of communication and empathy in resolving conflicts.

Are there any conflict resolution methods you’ve learned about?

Yes, techniques like active listening, compromise, and seeking win-win solutions are essential.

Have you ever had to resolve a conflict at work or school?

Certainly, workplace and academic environments often present opportunities for conflict resolution.

