Latest Questions In IELTS Speaking On IELS Speaking Subject — A Popular Place

Parmar Sneha
3 min readMay 24, 2024


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Describe a popular place in your area.

A popular place in my area is Centennial Park, a vast urban park known for its scenic beauty and recreational facilities.

What kind of place is it? (park, landmark, shopping area, etc.)

Centennial Park is a large urban park, offering green spaces, walking trails, and various recreational amenities.

Where is it located exactly?

It is centrally located in the heart of the city, providing easy access to residents and visitors alike.

Why is this place popular?

Centennial Park’s popularity stems from its serene environment, diverse recreational options, and being a communal space for gatherings.

What kinds of people visit this place?

People of all ages and backgrounds visit, including families, joggers, nature enthusiasts, and those seeking leisure activities.

How often do you go there?

I visit Centennial Park regularly, at least a few times a month, to enjoy its tranquility and engage in recreational activities.

What do you do when you go there?

I often jog, have picnics, or simply unwind amidst nature, taking advantage of the park’s diverse offerings.

Do you have any special memories associated with this place?

Yes, I have fond memories of family picnics and celebratory gatherings at Centennial Park, making it a cherished place.

Has this place changed over time?

While its natural charm remains, there have been improvements, including upgraded facilities, making it more appealing over time.

Why is this place important to your community?

It serves as a communal hub, fostering a sense of community, promoting outdoor activities, and enhancing the overall well-being of residents.

Would you recommend this place to a tourist visiting your area?

Absolutely, I would highly recommend Centennial Park to tourists for its scenic beauty, recreational opportunities, and cultural significance.

Do you prefer popular places or quieter places?

I appreciate a balance, but for relaxation, I tend to prefer quieter places that offer solitude and a peaceful atmosphere.

Are there any problems associated with popular places (crowds, noise, etc.)?

Yes, popular places often face issues like overcrowding, increased noise, and sometimes a decline in the overall tranquility of the space.

What makes a place popular?

A combination of aesthetic appeal, recreational opportunities, cultural significance, and positive word of mouth contribute to a place’s popularity.

Do you think there are too many popular tourist destinations in the world?

While tourism is beneficial, the saturation of popular destinations can lead to environmental strain and cultural dilution, raising concerns.

In your opinion, what’s the most popular place to visit in your country?

The Taj Mahal is undoubtedly one of the most popular places to visit in my country, known for its architectural beauty and historical significance.

Are there any places in your area that used to be popular but aren’t anymore?

Some shopping districts that were once bustling have seen a decline in popularity due to changing consumer preferences and online shopping.

Has social media changed the way people find popular places to visit?

Yes, social media has significantly influenced travel trends, with platforms like Instagram shaping the discovery of popular destinations and hidden gems.

Do you think it’s important to preserve popular places?

Preservation is crucial to maintain cultural heritage, ecological balance, and the unique characteristics that make popular places attractive in the first place.

How can we balance the needs of tourists with the needs of local residents in a popular place?

Sustainable tourism practices, community involvement, and thoughtful urban planning are essential for striking a balance between tourist needs and preserving the quality of life for local residents.

