Recent IELTS Speaking Questions On IELTS Speaking Theme A Time You Were Brave

Parmar Sneha
3 min readJun 1, 2024


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Do you consider yourself a brave person?

I consider myself reasonably brave. I believe everyone has moments where courage is necessary.

Can you tell me about a time you had to be brave?

Certainly, I had to be brave when I confronted a difficult situation at work involving a challenging client and tight deadlines.

What was the situation that required you to be brave?

The situation involved presenting a project proposal to a demanding client, addressing their concerns, and meeting tight deadlines.

How did you feel at the time? Were you scared?

I felt a mix of nervousness and fear of failure, but the determination to overcome the challenges overshadowed those fears.

Did you have to overcome a fear to act bravely?

Yes, I had to overcome the fear of not meeting the client’s expectations and the pressure of potential repercussions on my job.

What did you do in that situation?

I thoroughly prepared for the presentation, addressed the client’s concerns proactively, and ensured all deliverables were on schedule.

Were you happy with how you handled the situation?

Yes, I was pleased with how I handled the situation. The client was satisfied, and the project was successful, boosting my confidence.

Did anyone else notice your bravery?

My colleagues and supervisors acknowledged my efforts and mentioned my bravery in tackling a challenging project successfully.

Has that experience made you a more confident person?

Absolutely, overcoming that challenging situation significantly boosted my confidence in handling demanding tasks and client interactions.

Do you think it’s important to be brave sometimes?

Yes, being brave is crucial, especially in professional settings, as it allows us to face challenges head-on and achieve positive outcomes.

Can you think of someone you know who you consider to be very brave?

My aunt is incredibly brave, having faced adversity with resilience and courage throughout her life.

Does everyone face situations where they must be brave?

Yes, everyone encounters situations that demand courage, whether in personal relationships, work, or other aspects of life.

Do you think taking risks can be considered a form of bravery?

Absolutely, taking calculated risks often requires courage and can lead to personal or professional growth.

Is it okay to be afraid and still act bravely?

Yes, being afraid is natural, but acting bravely in spite of fear is a commendable trait that can lead to personal development.

Do you think people are braver as children or adults?

Children may display a different type of bravery in exploring the unknown, while adults often exhibit bravery in facing life’s challenges.

Is there a difference between being brave and being reckless?

Yes, being brave involves calculated and thoughtful actions, while recklessness entails impulsive behavior without considering consequences.

Is bravery something that can be learned?

Yes, bravery can be cultivated through experiences, learning from challenges, and developing resilience in the face of adversity.

Do you find it easier to be brave for yourself or for someone else?

I find it easier to be brave for someone else, as the motivation to support and protect others often surpasses personal fears.

Do people in certain professions have to be brave more often?

Yes, professions like emergency services, military, and healthcare often require frequent displays of bravery in challenging and critical situations.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever seen someone do?

The bravest thing I’ve witnessed was a friend quitting an unfulfilling job to pursue their passion, despite uncertainty and potential challenges.

