SolveCity — It is building the world first virtual city for solving the problems. Our next goal is building the smart cities in the Mars.

Parnian Barekatain
3 min readOct 3, 2016


We want to maximize human capability and push their boundaries of imagination.

Last year, it was around the same time that I was at Caltrain going from San Francisco to Sunnyvale. In the middle of the way to Sunnyvale, I saw the Facebook Like graph at the abounded wall. I do not know why but this sign for me had some sort of meaning. I exactly remember what I wore at that day and what was happening in my mind. That day one of the early days of SolveCity, the day before, I bought the domain for the company. I was lost in all of my thoughts and I remembered all the moments that drove me to start SolveCity. Those early days was in fact, one of the most inspiring time which I had in entire my life.

I remember I was reviewing my thoughts about my trip in Iran and when I was at Iran, I just saw so many people who are looking to change their life, when I was there, I figured out what it means to have impact on people. I figured everything I was saying to people means different. I was thrilled by how much community has vibes for innovation, for entrepreneurship, for investing on new ideas and for change.

Reviewing all those thoughts and moments, I was determined which I want to do something that can be impact-full. It was only a huge market with lots of people who had problems and wanted to solve their problems but they did not have resources and they were looking to find resources in any way which is possible.

When they say USA is the land of opportunity, it is absolutely true. It is a land of opportunity. In fact, people in Silicon Valley try to find solution for their dogs, their cats for those moments that they are feeling lonely but in other places there just millions if not billions of problems that need to solve and not just being optimize. I do not say those are the bad problems but they are really are the first-world problems.

My goal in life is maximizing the human potential I remembered how I was overwhelmed by the notion by competition here. In fact, I did not care about competition, there was no competition there. I just like the world of collaboration a lot better than competition. Collaboration for solving the problems that exist in our world. This will leads people find opportunity and instead of on billion people, we will have 7 or 8 billions of people who are capable of being knowledge and we are able to go to other planet because honestly our universe is just huge! when we think about all the places that we can go, there is no need to fight on something here!

That is why I built SolveCity. It is a virtual City for people to get connected and solving the problems that we are facing with in our world. The city for Solving problems and my next step was SolvePalent!

I was determined that whatever I would like to do is that I give back 50% of the revenue which generating from SolveCity to back to the community and build some more innovation for them through our partners and collaborators. I wanted to built the super fancy smart cities as the revenue which I generated from SolveCity for people to build even more next ideas and thoughts.

And for SolvePlanet, I imagined to have those city within Mars. I wanted and I still want to build smart cities in the Mars and maybe other places. Those cities are physical structured of SolveCity. Those cities are completely built by our collaborative society and it aims to provide us a better life to think beyond imagination and to discover new possibilities and SolveCity is just a start to extant human capabilities.

JoinUs! if you want help other human discover the world that seems impossible now. Lets get together and help us to believe this is our time and our world and we can shape us in any way we want. I`d like to people recognize that biggest moment in life is when you feel you contributed something meaningful in the world.

