PODs are just about to sprout

Time for announcement #10, and it is the biggest one so far.

Parsl Co
2 min readMar 18, 2019
PODs are growing

The team at Parsl has been working tirelessly to get a key piece in the our system up and going and it is finally happening — PODs are about to arrive.

For those that need a quick update, PODs are Parsl’s stable-coin offering for the cannabis industry. They will be what facilitates transactions within a Parsl powered cannabis ecosystem. Unlike the SEED token, PODs will be tied to the value of the US dollar so consumers are able use them to transact without being worried about being affected by market changes.

In short, PODs are a coin that will have a practical and tangible use in the real-world economy.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon about when PODs will be available as well as an opportunity for people that want to get in early.



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Parsl Co

A unified cannabis platform for a better cannabis industry. parsl.co