Tails vs. Qubes OS vs. Whonix: Choose the OS for Internet (Tor surfing)

Parth Jamodkar
2 min readJul 31, 2023

In today’s privacy-conscious world, it is more important than ever to choose the right operating system (OS) to protect your online activity. Tails, Qubes OS, and Whonix are three popular privacy-focused OSes that offer different features and benefits.

Comparison of Privacy-Focused Operating Systems
Please note that these ratings are for illustrative purposes and should be considered hypothetical. Actual ratings would vary depending on individual preferences and use cases

Tails: Simplicity and Security

Tails is a live OS that can be booted from a USB drive or DVD. It is designed to be simple to use, even for users with no technical experience. Tails includes a number of security features, such as Tor, encryption, and persistent storage. (What i use…personally as it’s bootable pd)

Qubes OS: Advanced Isolation and Protection

Qubes OS is a security-focused OS that uses virtualization to isolate different aspects of your online activity. This means that if one part of your system is compromised, the others will be protected. Qubes OS also includes a number of security features, such as Tor, encryption, and sandboxing.

Whonix: Anonymity with Tor

Whonix is a privacy-focused OS that is designed to be used with the Tor network. It consists of two virtual machines: a Tor gateway and a Tor client. The Tor gateway is responsible for connecting to the Tor network, while the Tor client is used to browse the web and access other online services. Whonix also includes a number of security features, such as encryption and sandboxing.


The best privacy-focused OS for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a simple and easy-to-use OS that is designed to protect your privacy, then Tails may be a good option for you. If you are looking for a more advanced OS that offers advanced isolation and protection, then Qubes OS may be a better choice. And if you are looking for an OS that is specifically designed to be used with Tor, then Whonix may be the best option for you.

Stay secure and safeguarded in your online journey!

Thank you for reading.

Parth Jamodkar.



Parth Jamodkar

In the realm of cyber security, Parth is expert in threat hunting, threat intelligence & Red Team operation. commitment to securing the digital world we rely on