Clean Coding in Go.

Parthiban Rajalingam
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Go is a popular programming language known for its simplicity, efficiency, and ease of use. It is commonly used for web development, network programming, and system programming. Clean coding is essential in any programming language, including Go. Clean code not only makes the codebase easier to maintain, but it also helps improve its readability and reduces the likelihood of bugs. In this blog, we will discuss some clean coding practices in Go.

Use descriptive names for variables and functions

Naming is an essential part of writing clean code. Using descriptive names for variables and functions can make the code easier to understand. Use camel case for naming variables and functions in Go. For example, use “numberOfItems” instead of “noi” or “num_items”.

Keep functions short and simple

Functions in Go should be short and focused on doing one thing well. A function should only have one responsibility. If a function is too long or has too many responsibilities, it becomes difficult to read and understand. Breaking the function into smaller, more focused functions can make it easier to read and maintain.

Avoid global variables

Global variables can make it difficult to reason about the code. Avoid using them whenever possible. Instead, use function parameters or local variables to communicate between functions.

Use error handling

Go has a built-in error handling mechanism. Always check for errors and handle them appropriately. Never ignore errors, as they can lead to unexpected behaviour and bugs.

Write tests

Writing tests is an essential part of writing clean code. Tests help ensure that the code works as expected and can catch bugs before they make it into production. Go has a built-in testing framework that makes it easy to write and run tests.

Use constants for magic numbers

Magic numbers are hard-coded values that have a specific meaning in the code. Using constants instead of hard-coded values can make the code easier to understand and maintain. For example, use “const maxItems = 10” instead of “const numberOfItems = 10”.

Use interfaces

Interfaces in Go are a powerful way to decouple code and make it more testable. Use interfaces to define contracts between different parts of the code. This can make it easier to swap out implementations of a particular interface and make the code more modular.

Use defer for clean-up code

Go has a built-in “defer” keyword that can be used to ensure that clean-up code is run, even if an error occurs. Use “defer” to clean up resources such as file handles, network connections, or database connections.

Use short variable declaration

Go has a shorthand for variable declaration that can make the code more concise and readable. Use the “:=” operator to declare and initialize variables in one line. For example, use “count := 0” instead of “var count int = 0”.

In conclusion, clean coding practices are essential in any programming language, including Go. Use descriptive names for variables and functions, keep functions short and focused, avoid global variables, use error handling, write tests, use constants for magic numbers, use interfaces, use defer for clean-up code, and use short variable declaration. These practices can make the code more readable, maintainable, and reduce the likelihood of bugs.



Parthiban Rajalingam

Software developer who is passionate about personal finance and technology