PartnerR: PR Services Affordable for Every Developer

2 min readNov 23, 2023


The Initial Purpose of Establishing PartnerR

As ChatGPT has evolved, data and computational power, once monopolized by major corporations, have been made accessible to developers worldwide through APIs. The scale of teams building products has been steadily decreasing. For instance, Discord, valued at $15 billion, had an annual revenue of $130 million in 2020 with over 300 employees. In contrast, MidJourney achieved an annual revenue of $100 million with just 11 employees, and the well-known blockchain protocol Curve initially had only one developer. With the advancement of technology and the spirit of open source, anyone can create their own products. We can build upon products and technologies as building blocks, but traffic remains dominated by giants.

Digital nomads and early-stage startups can create products with their technology and creativity, but reaching their target audience requires significant costs. Blockchain enables the establishment of property rights and money transfers without the need for trust, but user adoption and building trust for cooperation still require trust.

PartnerR is dedicated to helping startups and developers with real product-building capabilities establish trust. We assist in forming collaborative relationships between products and provide PR services at a minimal cost to startups and developers. Built upon ChatGPT and composed of volunteers from the Web3 industry who believe in decentralized collaboration, PartnerR reduces the cost of PR work to one-tenth of the original, with prices starting as low as $300 per year.

What Services Does PartnerR Offer?

PartnerR, unlike a PR Agency, is an alliance of startups. We provide the following services to our members:

  • Blog/Interview Writing
  • Media Releases
  • Brand Building: Reputation Management (User Reviews) and SEO
  • Establishing genuine collaborative relationships within the alliance, not just in pure media, but also through promoting each other on their official media channels
  • For products not yet launched, we also offer related services such as website creation
  • Wikipedia creation?

How to Become a Member of the PartnerR Alliance?

Startups and developers can gain membership by donating to PartnerR. We plan to deeply serve 100 businesses in the first year, with an annual fee of $300 for the first 30 businesses. After joining, we start by creating and publishing the first piece of content on a blog and provide more follow-up services according to your needs.

We Embrace the Web3 Spirit and Support Cryptocurrency Payments

The cost of traditional payments is extremely high, ranging from 3% to 10%. Starting from November 2023, the PartnerR alliance supports frictionless Crypto payments only. MugglePay provides us with frictionless crypto payment services, non-custodial, without the need for trust. We now accept USDT and cUSD payments. By partnering with MugglePay and accepting cryptocurrency, PartnerR significantly reduces its prices, with all proceeds used to build brands for our members and provide highly cost-effective PR services.




Not only Public Relations, but also Partner Resources