1+1 is greater than 3. Why?

AMBIZ Internships & Jobs
2 min readMar 23, 2020


With our highly predictive assessment, AMBIZ can, with 95% confidence, know a talent’s ability to perform based on certain factors. Critical factors that we have researched rigorously and kept improving. Then, we match them with you, on the basis of a most-fit match, so that your investment in talent becomes much more beneficial. Normally, you would want to have candidates with the best intensity of each factor; which, we say, is highly logical. Yet it is also a flawed approach.

Why so?

In order to answer that question, let us take a little lesson from neuroscience and psychology; many researches have proven that this little thing between our ears, this amazing machine we call the brain, is wired differently for each and every single one of us. Which means that, each and every single one of us has different ways of thinking; some might be more conceptual, some might be more practical.

That being said, further research has suggested that the best way to benefit from this natural phenomenon is not to compete against each other; rather, it is to work together with our differences and complement each other! In other words, diversity is something that we should really appreciate.

Image cerdit: Unsplash

Taking our natural brain phenomenon as an analogy, we utilized the same principle, and modified it a little to get you the best results: we give you candidates that are not only the best-fit to you according to skills alone. No. We also give you the best talents that can complement your company!

A talent with lower-than-average troubleshoot, but higher-than-average grit can help another with high troubleshoot but lower grit; and so on. It is the epitome of synergy: when 1+1 is greater than 3!

Thus, when a talent is underperforming, the best first response is not to reprimand or use reward-and-punishment; but to find out first the reason behind said results. Then, if possible, pair up that talent with someone who fits their strength and weaknesses, and see magic happen!

In order to make your investment in talent net a great return, AMBIZ keeps developing our highly predictive assessment which you can find here. Expect us to know, in the near future, how best to pair up talents with certain qualities. And we are more than thrilled to help you invest better in most-fit talents for your company!



AMBIZ Internships & Jobs

AMBIZ is a company whose mission is to help you acquire high quality talents by using our predictive assessment tool; so that you acquire most-fit talents