Apple’ Autocorrect Considered Harmful

a place of mind
5 min readJul 30, 2022

Apple needs to get it together; it’s ducking embarrassing at this point.


Is Apple’s AutoCorrect THAHT bad?

Yes it is! Apple’s spell-check is thaht bad, sorry, I meant, that bad. Wait, why didn’t iOS correct “thaht”?

It’s ironic that the company that popularized typing on glass screens has got so far behind Microsoft and Google in terms of ease of use and user-friendliness of typing. Apple was also late in the “swipe” keyboards game and it shows. The Cupertino megacorp spends $millions in finding out what its fanboys want in order to extract ever-increasing profits from them, but at the same time it ignores one of the major complaints about its products: the autocorrect feature.

A quick googling reveals that I’m not alone in this. “apple autocorrect bad” returns 1,890,000 results, ranging from Apple’s own forums to reddit [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and a plethora of other websites, including!

The message is clear: Apple’s autocorrect has been consistently getting worse over the years…

