Medium gave us writing prompts — Here’s what I picked up!

Parul Kapoor | Writer
2 min readMay 19, 2022


If I was my Bravest Self?

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What would I do, if I was my bravest self? A prompt which ‘prompted’ in the Medium feed (it was though in the month of January , I jumped and picked up as I knew what to write about). Actually, it’s kind of tough to answer and includes lots of things, so I guess I would like to answer in a poetic manner.

My bravest self, if I may tell you

Would be Brave!

Brave enough to dance and twirl around

As I possess four left feet,

Brave enough to sing melodious songs

As I pity the audience in the street,

Brave enough to stand tall in the crowd

As I am just little above five feet,

Brave enough to talk out loud

As I am often asked to repeat,

Brave enough to disturb someone

As I rarely poke and stay aloof,

Brave enough to love the rain

As I so wish the rain was waterproof,

Brave enough to act child-like

As I always try and comfort the rest,

Brave enough to climb the mountain

As there are thousand things on my quest.

Why we are not brave enough?

There are a lot of other big things which might require bravery and courage, but to me the notion of being brave is not to conquer the world, but to conquer the war within. The forces which keep us from doing things on an everyday basis are the most dangerous ones, as they inhibit our growth. Somehow, we are always skeptical to take up that one task which is beyond our capabilities — as we do not want to be brave and take risks. But what happens here is that we often miss the opportunities which come our way only because we do not believe in ourselves and are not BRAVE enough to take the deep plunge. Hope that someday we overcome our self-created-fears and dive without the parachute to see what lies beneath!

Here is one song and movie I find very inspirational, as I feel the character really pushed itself beyond the comfort zone and the boundaries to achieve what it really wanted to do.

Share your stories of how you think you can be the Bravest Self with me. Let’s try and unleash the power within together.

If you like what I write, encourage me by sending in some cheery claps !



Parul Kapoor | Writer

Writer. Poet. Urbanist. Photographer. Believe in mindful & creative growth. SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter or Buy my DEBUT BOOK at: