Quebec City

The Indian Nomad
6 min readMay 11, 2017


Quebec City is a magical place in Canada. It’s just different than the rest of the country. It feels like you’re in Europe more than North America. It is known that Montreal is bonafide French Canada, but the undisputed capital of Francophone North America is La Ville de Québec, or as we say en anglais, Quebec City. This was the my first trip after my graduation. After I finished my Masters thesis defence (arghhhhhhhhh), I just packed my bags and made a visit to this beautiful city with my close friends.

Hotel Château Frontenac (The world’s most photgraphed hotel)

This was my second visit and I really found Quebec City much more Francophonic than Montreal. For me, It was exciting to discover the place where French civilization was born in North America. Strolling atop stone ramparts and medieval gateways, disappearing inside the walls of an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Old Québec City gave me a breathtaking blend of old and new buildings.

We had two days to wonder around before we went up north to Aquarium of Quebec. Our days were packed full of activities. As mentioned above, just walking around Old Quebec is an experience. It’s like stepping back in time. Cobblestone streets, colonial buildings, cafes. We enjoyed some truly amazing food items and grabbed one of the best mochas I have ever had. Actually, all the mochas I had in Quebec were unreal. They must use good chocolate (I know french people are specific about chocolate but still).

While visiting, you will find silk scarves flung over stylish shoulders by the chateau as you meander down narrow cobblestone streets echoing with the clip-clop of horse-drawn carriages.

The beautiful streets of Old City
Embracing the charms of 400-year old Québec City. Quebec City is touristy, regularly finding itself on the lists of top tourist destinations for travelers from Canada and abroad. But It is touristy for good reason. (In my case, I got some really good pictures)

I also got chance to explore the nearby Plains of Abraham, where one of the continent’s most famous battles took place 250 years ago.

I am addict of eating Poutine (❤), I got a chance to taste popular chicken poutine at Chez Ashton in Old city where boutiques and bistros are housed in 17th century buildings in the oldest area of Quebec City. Chez Ashton is a popular fast food restaurant in Quebec, Canada famous for its poutine.

Chez Ashton’s popular Chicken Poutine (Medium)/ “Good but not the Best”

If you have never tasted a poutine this is considered as the standard of a poutine. Ashton is popular for the best poutine sauce and fries are top notch with the curds that make music when you bite in it. However, but honestly I have had better poutine in Montreal. I don’t consider myself an expert on the dish but being from Montreal, I do know my gravy and this wasn’t the best gravy. I’ve had better poutine from other places (e.g., Poulet Bronze and La Banquise). Though apparently this is where poutine was ‘invented’ (don’t quote me) so of course I had to try it. It was good, just not the best.

After eating a big plate of poutine, it was time to try something sweet. So I went for Quebec’s popular Maple Taffy. Maple taffy is a sugar candy made by boiling maple sap past the point where it would form maple syrup but not so long that it becomes maple butter or maple sugar. I really liked the way the taffy was served. It was served to me and my friends by using old fashioned aspect of having it poured right on the snow and have some bits of snow to suck with the taffy. “Ridiculously sweet”.

Tasting the traditional Maple taffy, “Ridiculously sweet”

I must say, the most imporant Quebec city is full of ‘history’ and scenic beauty. Whether your walking around the walled city of Old Quebec, taking a picture of the famous Fairmont Frontenac or strolling through the plains of Abraham, You’re bound to enjoy your time in this wonderful city.

Montmorency Falls was the second tour of the countryside tour from Quebec City, Canada. It was great to see beautiful nature so close to Quebec City. The falls are taller than the Niagara Falls. I spent the full forty five minutes onsite and still felt that I could have spent more time there.

Montmorency Falls, “Well worth a stop”

After two days in the beautiful city, all of us left for a Aquarium of quebec. Beautiful aquarium. While I really liked the polar bear display, one of the bears seemed a bit irritated and just walked back and forth in the enclosure. This was a bit upsetting and I had to leave the display in tears.

A better time was had at the sting ray and starfish displays (you were allowed to touch these). A good activity for the family.

A Seahorse couple

The Aquarium in Quebec City, Canada, provided an opportunity to get up close with the seahorses. There was an area that allowed visitors young and old to touch stingrays. Overall the Aquarium was a great experience.

If you ever get the chance to make it to the province of Quebec, make sure you spend some time in Old Quebec City. Grab a mocha, a poutine and walk the streets for a trip back through time. Don’t forget to take the ferry across the river, then climb up the stairs to the top of the cliff where Lévis is located, and gaze at Quebec City all lit up at night from across the St. Lawrence.

Parul Khanna

The Indian Nomad

Below are some more pictures from the visit:

Je me souviens- Québec

