Parul Mahajan
3 min readFeb 5, 2022



Zeus is the king of the gods of Mount Olympus. He is the GOD OF THE SKY, i.e., thunder, lightning, rain, and weather.


You are familiar with Thor as the god of thunder…right?

But he is a Norse god from Norse Mythology, and here we will gossip about Greek Mythology only (just for the time being).

So, our guy ZEUS falls head over heels way too quickly for pretty women. Does not matter if they are mortal or a Goddess. Also, Zeus is married to Hera, who was initially his sister.

Zeus and Hera

One of his most famous affairs was with Europa, the lovely daughter of Agenor, a Phoenician king.

She was spotted at the seashore by Zeus, where he fell for her charm, and to woo her, transformed into a handsome white bull. Europa could not resist and climb onto his back. The bull took her away to the island Crete where he changed into his human form and seduced Europa. Later she bore him three sons.

Zeus and Europa

Another gorgeous maiden, Lo, the daughter of Inachus, one of the River Gods and king of Argos, was fancied by our boy. As for these mythical stories, there are various versions. Some say Zeus turned Lo into a heifer (a cow) to hide her from his wife; others believe Hera transformed Lo.


Heard of Medusa? Lady who would turn people into stone if they gazed into her eyes.

Perseus and Medusa

Perseus beheaded this mortal Gorgon, Medusa, and our hero, Perseus, was the son of Zeus and Danae (another human woman).

In short, Zeus had at least 57 extramarital affairs, and his stories prove that he was the Casanova of Greek mythology.

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods by Rick Riordan

This article is based on Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods book by Rick Riordan.

Thank you! 😊

