Coding Was Hard Until I Learned THESE 5 Things!

Parvez Shah Shaik
2 min readJan 16, 2024


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Embarking on the journey of learning to code can seem daunting with an overwhelming array of resources available. In this guide, we demystify the process, offering straightforward, effective strategies to get you coding confidently.

Focus on One Thing at a Time:

When you’re just starting, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of courses and tutorials. The key is to start simple. Pick any course — the content at the beginning is less important than just getting familiar with basic programming concepts like classes, objects, and variables.

Choosing Your Learning Path:

Whether it’s through structured courses or self-driven exploration, select a path and stick to it. If you’re not into courses, start with online resources like articles or interactive coding platforms. The goal is to start with something manageable and expand from there.

Completion is Key:

It’s crucial to finish what you start. This isn’t just about learning to code; it’s about developing resilience and determination. These qualities are invaluable in programming, where challenges and setbacks are the norms.

Embrace Failure:

Failure is an inevitable and valuable part of the learning process.

It teaches resilience and problem-solving. Whether it’s understanding complex algorithms or debugging code, remember that stumbling is part of the journey towards mastery.

The Importance of Theoretical Knowledge:

While practical coding is essential, don’t overlook the importance of understanding the theory behind what you’re doing. Grasping the fundamentals, from memory management to data structures, will deepen your coding skills and enable more efficient problem-solving.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

Finally, the most straightforward yet vital advice is to code regularly. It’s not about mastering everything at once, but about consistent practice. Experiment with different code elements, break them, and rebuild. The more you code, the more intuitive and enjoyable it becomes.


Remember, coding is less about innate talent and more about the traits you cultivate. Be persistent, curious, and disciplined. With regular practice and a willingness to learn from your mistakes, you’ll find coding becoming more accessible and fulfilling each day. So, dive in and start your coding adventure!

