Why You Should Focus On Video For Your 2018 Content Marketing Strategy

Pascal Beaulne
4 min readMar 7, 2018


If video isn’t part of your content marketing strategy at the moment… what are you doing!?

Video has seen enormous growth in content marketing sphere in the past years and you are missing out on so many opportunities!

According to Statista, Facebook has more than 2 Billion monthly users on their platform. Next is Youtube with 1.5 Billion.

I don’t know about you, but with these two platforms alone, that’s a lot of users that you could reach by putting your video there.

And a lot of marketers seem to agree on this!

Because, according to 2017 State of Inbound Report from Hubspot research, 48% of companies say they plan to use Youtube as their content distribution channel following by Facebook video at 39%.

What’s even more mind-blowing is this statistical report from Cisco!

Cisco says that video traffic will represent 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2021, up from 73 percent in 2016!

That’s incredible! And it would be foolish to not use this enormous consumption trend to your advantage.

What’s so magical about video content is that it’s only a part of why videos should be part of your content marketing strategy.

Video content itself has a lot more to offer and here are some more benefits on why you should use it.

1. Video Will Increase Your Conversion Rate

Using video is one of the best tools you can use to get better sales performance. Marketers that use it have a 27% better click-through rates. It also has a 35% higher conversion rate on their website.

This will explain why business that uses video is growing 49% faster than business that is not. With these statistics, I don’t think we should second guess this powerful tool that you must start using.

2. It Will Increase SEO Ranking

Using video is a great way to increase your SEO ranking. Website that is using a video will keep a visitor 2 minutes longer on average.

It will increase your site traffic since more than 60% of senior executives will go on your website after seeing one of your videos.

And once you master the art of video production, an optimized video could increase your change to be on the first page of Google by 53 times.

Is it clear to me that video will definitely help your SEO ranking and I think once again that incorporating videos into your content marketing strategy is not an option.

3. People Have Better Memory Retention When They Watch Videos

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it might be because we are capable to process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

There’s even a research made by Dr. James Mc McQuivey that say a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.

That’s insane! And if we use short videos, it can be even better.

Because videos that are less than 90 seconds have an average retention rate of 53%.

This is a great opportunity for brand awareness and once they will think they need your product they will obviously remember that video he saw from you not long ago.

4. People Are More Engaging With Videos

Videos that are posted on a social media platforms are 10 times more likely to be in some sort of engagement like sharing and commenting the video.

This is a great opportunity! You can use this to expend your brand awareness and will also increase the chance for you to get converting future customers.

So here are the reasons why I think you must start using video in your 2018 content marketing strategy if you want to stay on top of the game.

If you want to talk some more with me about video content marketing, digital marketing in general or just want to chat. Please! don’t be shy write a comment below or send me a message here! I’d love to hear about you and your story.

See you guys around!

