MacOS to Ubuntu Part 3: IDE and Development Tools

Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2017

Index Post

My development tools broadly encompass the following

  1. IntelliJ and its subversions (WebStorm, PyStorm, …)
  2. SourceTree
  3. NPM and NVM
  4. Docker
  5. Slack
  6. Screenhero (for remote pair programming)
  7. Dash (quick lookup of many libraries, barely used though)
  8. Atom
  9. RStudio
  10. LaTeX

Those that don’t need to be replaced are just links to the Linux version of the tool. So let’s replace the rest, which are to my positive suprise only very few

SourceTree replacement

For this I would recommend GitKraken.

There is also a rich stackexchange answer with a lot of alternatives listed. IMHO GitKraken is the best free alternative to SourceTree. Plus it’s got a great dark theme!

Screenhero replacement

Screenhero only has clients for Windows and OSX. As it was purchased by Slack, it will most likely be rolled out with Slack’s screen sharing features piece by piece. For now, Google Hangouts or similar WebRTC based solutions would need to suffice.

Dash replacement

A little disclaimer: I barely used dash. So this might barely scratch the surface. It doesn’t cache the docs offline as Dash does and it’s probably not as powerful simply because it’s a web based solution. But it should be OK as a first go.

But then! I found this guy’s awesome post!

And the corresponding link to the zeal project And you know why this is awesome?

apt install zeal

that’s why! It’s distributed in the default Debian repository.




Software Developer, Tech enthusiast, student, board sports and food lover