Want to know why you’re not reaching your life goals??

Pascale Lane
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Want to know why you’re not reaching your life goals??

Do you think you deserve them??

When we think about our goals in life… not just the mundane, day to day ones, but the really big audacious ones… it’s easy isn’t it!?

A bigger house

A better car

More holidays

More money

Or maybe it’s about something different…

Maybe you have internal goals you want to achieve

Like being able to wake up happy every day

Having confidence to do the things that you want to do

Feeling fulfilled and full of satisfaction

Or maybe it’s being able to get through the day without arguing

Having a relationship with your husband or partner that is full of love, communication and commitment

Maybe you have dreams for all of the above but deep down, right in the pit of your belly, you don’t think you’re good enough for them

This is where things get really interesting because we can dream all the dreams but if deep down we don’t think we deserve them, can we ever achieve them?

We can have vision boards, daily affirmations, visualisations and meditations…

But if deep down you don’t like yourself, love yourself, value yourself or think you are worthy enough to be able to achieve any of your dreams, the simple fact is that you won’t

If we do not think we are ultimately deserving..

If we do not think that we are good enough people deep down, in the dark, when nobody else is looking…

Hearing your thoughts, feeling your feelings… If you don’t think you are good enough or worthy enough to achieve your goals, they simply won’t come to you

Or maybe they will come to you but won’t hang around long enough for you to really appreciate them because you will end up pushing them away

You will push them away because deep down you don’t think you’re good enough to deserve them

And then when you either don’t achieve them are you achieve and lose them, all that does is confirm to you that you were never good enough in the first place after

It’s a bit of vicious circle that is so common among so many of us… and really and truthfully if we could just have self belief in ourselves and love ourselves as much as we love those around us… and value and love ourselves as much as other people do, things would be very different

So that is where of work needs to start

Not in the affirmations or visualisation but deep down!!

Dream big my friend…

Dream your dreams… and don’t question whether or not you are good enough to achieve them!!

Own them and own your worth!

You deserve everything if only you believe it yourself!!

