Whether you think you CAN or CAN’T, you’re RIGHT!!

Pascale Lane
3 min readMar 14, 2022


Whether you think you CAN or CAN’T, you’re RIGHT!! (Henry Ford)

When you hear people saying it’s all about the mindset, I give you my word, as simple as it may sound, it really is true!

Let me explain…

For many years I went through life confident on the outside but lacking on the inside

So many things I wanted to do, be and achieve, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I could because I was stuck in a fixed mindset

I didn’t really do that well at school; I felt like I never really fitted in and academically never did that great.

But I got to where I needed to be and wrongly or rightly, felt that most of my wins were down to luck more than anything else

The problem with mindset is that, whatever you think, you become

So if you tell yourself that you’re no good at something or you can’t do something, that is your self fulfilling prophecy… That is what will happen if you tell it to yourself often enough

On the other hand, if you believe that you can achieve whatever you want, even if you stumble and fall a few times first, you will be able to get whatever you desire… You just have to be willing to try it and persevere

Those that win at life are not blessed with all-round God-given skill. Those that win a life are the ones who set their intention and keep going until then achieve it

Once we accept the fact that the only person who is truly holding us back from our desires is ourselves, we can honestly achieve whatever we want!!

Having good people around you who believe in you and support your dreams and goals is also a huge help and no doubt, I pick the people in my circle very carefully

So, let me share some easy tips with you so you can make 2022 your best year yet!!

1.Write a list of everything you have achieved… not just academic and professional but everything you feel you are good at and feel positive about. You will be so surprised and what you see written down. Show yourself what you can do when you put your mind to something

So often we tell ourselves that we can’t do something and we fixate on the negatives about ourself, but actually, once we start to change our perception, then we can start concentrating on what we can do rather than what we can’t

2.Set yourself a small goal of something you want to achieve. Given everything on your list so far of what you have already achieved, what would you like to do next?

It doesn’t have to be a big thing… it can be whatever you want, but start off with the right mindset and attitude, thinking that this is going to happen and then… make it happen!

3. Never underestimate the people around you and how much they can influence your happiness and your confidence

There is a lot to be said for surrounding yourself with positive people and I am a massive believer that we are the average of those we spend the most amount of time with.

You want to be surrounding yourself with people who, when you tell them that you are trying something new, are delighted for you… Excited for you… Believe in you and encourage you!

Be very wary of people who do not show the same amount of excitement towards your goals as you do… (More on this another time)

4.Affirmations! Never underestimate the power of woo-woo!

Writing out affirmations for yourself every day is hugely powerful and not to be scoffed at.

Pick four or five sentences that start with I AM and embody what you want to achieve and who you want to become.

Write your I AM statements out every, single, day! Repeat them to yourself often! When you are in doubt about how good you are, how happy you are, or anything else, recite and rewrite your affirmations!!

I give you my word, if you follow the steps, you will change your glass not only to half full, but refillable every single time!

