Parents in Islam, Rights of Parents in Islam

Parents in Islam
Parents in Islam, Rights of Parents in Islam

Parents in Islam, Rights of Parents in Islam

Parents are a special blessing to Allah Ta’ala. Human parents come into the world through parents. The world cannot be imagined without parents. The two people in the world who are more affectionate and more affectionate and affectionate are the parents. They are near the shadow of the sick at our peril. They feed on the baby by sweating in the head without eating it. Dignity of parents after the worship of the Almighty Allah. What are we giving our parents the dignity of our giver?

Serving a parent is not a pity, it’s a parent’s right. Serving parents is the law of God, and good worship. The mother forbids sleep for the sake of the child’s safety. The mother has been awake all night for the baby after birth. During childhood, the mother remains in the bedside in the bed and puts her baby in a dry place or sleeps in the chest. No one takes notice of the fact that the mother was old age. Adorable boys and girls do not have time to look for their parents when they grow up.

However, the parents once sacrificed their happiness for the happiness of the child. In fact, what we are seeing in the society around us is very sad. Boys and girls are not established or tied to marriage, and parents do not search. The son-in-law does not look good on his parents. They think parents are a burden to them. They rent a house and leave their parents and live alone. And then the old parents became lonely. Spend the hardest days In our society, there are no examples of children being beaten, abused, or fed, and not searched for in the old age of parents.

Parents should always be treated as if they are not suffering just to the point. The kind of worship that God has for the child to be treated with them is the same as the law. After attaining the rights of Allah, the rights of the parents must first be realized for the servant.

However, it is not the responsibility of the child to remain in the parent world alone. Even after death, the duty has to be performed. According to the hadith, the duties that parents must perform after their death are to arrange for burial after their death, to pay the debt they owe to the world, to do so if they leave any will, to maintain kinship, and to be good to their friends. To use Greetings always for them. May Allah bestow upon us all the best we can to serve our parents. Amin.

Parents in Islam, Rights of Parents in Islam

