iPhone Street Photography: What Happens If You Lower Your Camera Below? 🐜

Pasha Francuz
4 min readJan 18, 2024


Have you seen how the camera angle can change your perception as a viewer? Explore Your art today, or at least give it a chance 😉

San Francisco, 2022 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

We are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture compelling images.

Pro tip: No frames, — no limits!

One technique that has gained popularity in recent times is lowering the camera below the horizon. This unique approach, especially prevalent in street photography, adds a touch of drama and a fresh perspective to your shots. Let’s delve into the world of super-low angles and explore the fascinating “Spider Shot” technique. It can be your new ingredient for shooting street moments.

San Francisco, 2021 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Explore Your Art Today

Before we dive into the technicalities, a gentle nudge to all photographers out there — explore your art today, or at least give it a chance 😉. Experimenting with different angles and perspectives can lead to unexpected shots, and lowering (“loving”) your camera below the horizon is a great way to start 🔥

Burlingame, 2022 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)


Spider Shot 🕷️

NYC 2020, (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Now, let’s zoom in on the Spider Shot — a technique that takes the low-angle game to the next level. Also known as a super low-angle shot, the Spider Shot involves positioning your camera, whether it’s a sophisticated DSLR or just your trusty iPhone, extremely close to the ground. This unique vantage point captures a perspective emphasizing the foreground elements, creating a captivating visual experience.

Spider shot has the power to transform ordinary scenes into extraordinary visual narratives. Whether you’re capturing cityscapes, portraits, or landscapes, this technique can infuse your images with a sense of drama and impact. The secret lies in changing the viewer’s perspective, making the subjects appear more prominent and powerful.

Oakland, 2021 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Imagine standing in a field of wildflowers — adopting the Spider Shot allows you to get down close to the ground, revealing the intricate details of the blossoms. The result is a photograph that showcases the flowers' beauty and creates an illusion of them stretching endlessly into the distance. The ground becomes a canvas, and your lens paints a story that is both intimate and expansive.

This approach is particularly effective when shooting architecture or dramatic landscapes. The play of light and shadow takes on a different dimension when viewed from below, creating a dynamic interplay that adds depth to your photographs.

This technique is not limited to wildflowers; it can be applied to any subject, offering a new way to experience even the most familiar scenes. Whether you’re shooting urban environments, seascapes, or portraits, the Spider Shot brings a touch of drama and a fresh perspective to your photography.

San Francisco 2019 (iPhone 6)


Well, street photography, has a lot of things to explore and just simply lowering your camera below the horizon opens up a realm of creative possibilities. The play of angles, the infusion of drama, and the exploration of new perspectives can elevate your photography to new heights. So, the next time you’re out capturing moments, don’t forget to bend down, adopt the Spider Shot, and witness the magic unfold beneath the horizon.

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Pasha Francuz

I’ll stop you at the moment to see how to eat with your eyes first, with no camera at all! It’s a place where I'll guide you by just slowly observing life …