Photography Creative Technique: Vertical & Horizontal Shots

Pasha Francuz
4 min readJan 4, 2024


Did you know that you can transform a simple portrait into a story?

Photoshooing for Explore Your Pocket Creativity © project in San Francisco, 2022 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Just take 2 shots: One Vertical and One Horizontal. Try both in one line.

Or …

You are just in doubt, there’s no harm in trying both approaches to find a composition that works for you.

This approach is the visual flavor of your story.

So, introducing you to the creative therapy series begins.

Creative Technique: Vertical & Horizontal Shots

Transforming a simple portrait into a compelling story through a creative photographic exercise is an engaging and innovative way to explore the narrative potential of visual art. This exercise encourages you to go beyond the conventional boundaries of a single shot and experiment with different perspectives and compositions.

Chat in the Surfe Store at Santa Barba, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Pro Tip: Think beyond the confines of a single frame and explore the narrative potential. Capturing two shots of the same subject: vertical vs horizontal.

The process begins with capturing two shots of the same subject: one in a vertical orientation and the other in a horizontal orientation. This duality immediately introduces a dynamic element, allowing the photographer to play with the visual storytelling possibilities inherent in each frame.

Vertical Shot

Friends home party at Santa Barba, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

The vertical shot, with its elongated format, may emphasize height and evoke a sense of grandeur or intimacy, depending on the subject. This orientation often works well for emphasizing vertical elements in the scene, such as a towering figure or a cascading waterfall. It can evoke a feeling of aspiration, strength, or vulnerability.

San Fransico walk for coffee, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Horizontal Shot

Conversely, the horizontal shot, with its wider frame, captures a broader view of the subject’s surroundings. This orientation is excellent for portraying context, setting, and relationships between elements in the frame.

Friends home party at Santa Barba, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

It might tell a more expansive story, providing a sense of the subject’s environment and the narrative unfolding around them.

San Fransico walk for coffee, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

Creating Narrative

The challenge and creativity emerge when both shots are juxtaposed in a single line, either horizontally or vertically. This composition technique invites the viewer to compare and contrast the two perspectives visually. It prompts them to think about the relationship between the orientations, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.

Coffeeshop at Santa Barba, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

By presenting both shots in one line, photographers can create a seamless visual transition between the vertical and horizontal perspectives. This technique encourages viewers to interpret the images sequentially, enhancing the storytelling aspect. The juxtaposition may highlight contrasts, harmonies, or transformations within the narrative, offering a richer and more immersive experience for the audience.

In summary,

At Chartch, Santa Barba, 2023 (apple iPhone 11 Max Pro)

this exercise challenges you to think beyond the confines of a single frame and explore the narrative potential of their subjects. It encourages creativity by deliberately using vertical and horizontal orientations, fostering a deeper understanding of visual storytelling and composition.

This is the creative therapy series: a completely new aesthetic point of view. Explore your pocket creativity ©

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Pasha Francuz

I’ll stop you at the moment to see how to eat with your eyes first, with no camera at all! It’s a place where I'll guide you by just slowly observing life …