The Game of Life

Guru Pashupati
6 min readSep 22, 2016


The teachings of Pashupatinath

Lineage authority of Trilok Akhada a 17000 year old school of Nath Yoga

Written by Om Karanjkar

The Gayatri Mantra

Pashupatinath: “Overcoming societal conditioning is no small feat. It’s everywhere, worse than mosquitoes or bees. You can’t go to war against it The Gayatri mantra is a tool to be used to deal with societal conditioning . ‘Gayatri’ means ‘sung in all 3 worlds’. The mantra is as follows:

Aham bhur bhuva svah

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yonah prachodayat”

The gayatri mantra can be interpreted word to word. ‘Aham’ means ‘I am’. ‘Bhur bhuva svah’ represents the three worlds, ‘bhur’ is effect, ‘bhuva’ is knowledge, and ‘svah’ represents the causal.

‘Tat savitur varenyam’ means ‘that sun, worthy of worship’.

‘Bhargo’ means ‘Illuminated’. ‘Devasya dhimahi’ is ‘the great gift of the gods’.

‘Dhiyo’ is ‘intelligent’, ‘yoni’ is ‘womb’. ‘Prachara’ means ‘spreading’, and ‘udaya’ means ‘dawning’.

So the gayatri mantra, completely translated in whole, means: ‘I am the sun, worthy of worship that shines on the three worlds of effect, knowledge and cause. The great gift of the gods is Illuminated by me as I spread like dawn over the creative womb’

The ‘great gift of the devas’ is societal conditioning which Nath Yogis call delusion weapons or Brahmastra . Using the gayatri mantra, we are thanking the devas for the brahmastras; because without them, there would be nothing to liberate ourselves from.”

The Great Game

Pashupatinath : “You should play with brahmastras keeping in mind that they’re brahmastras. With caution.

Treat them with respect. Learn them, absorb them, know their nature. Only then can you wield them. When you chant the gayatri mantra, absorb its meaning. Don’t just vibrate with the chanting. Ride the brahmastras and harness the creative intelligence of the universe through it.

Creativity is triggered by the brahmastras. This happens one layer above action. People are playing this game of wielding the brahmastras wrong , gambling away a lot of valuable things, without understanding the rules.”

Brahmastras are weapons of delusion. Getting hit by them is something you don’t want. But like all weapons, they can be used to your advantage.

You can understand the brahmastras if you pay careful attention. The first logging exercise, Vismarana should help you to note down all the triggers you come across every day, and recognise and learn about the brahmastras in your environment. Only when you do this right can you overcome them and then learn how to harness them.

The gayatri mantra allows you to focus your intention cancelling the brahmastras’ influence.

Pashupatinath : “Contain the explosion of delusions inside your understanding. The game is this: containing the brahmastras, while keeping yourself safe, and riding them to creativity.”

The great game is about learning to use the brahmastras to create instead of getting affected by them. There are three stages to get there:

Stage 1: You log the triggers and identify the brahmastra, but it has already hit you.

Stage 2: You recognise the brahmastra as it happens and are already recovering from it as it hits.

Stage 3: You have overcome it, have understood it, and can now use it to create.

Pashupatinath : “Fighting the brahmastras is like wrestling with a pig. Before you know it, you’ll be covered in mud. Never fight them. They are power. The more brahmastras in your environment, the more powerful you should be.

If you’re insecure about something, you’re just resisting the truth. If you’re insecure about a partner, you don’t trust them. Accept it. It’s the truth. Security and trust come through understanding. If you understand the brahmastra, you can contain it. If you don’t understand it, you’ll be insecure.”

You cannot ‘fight’ a brahmastra because it is not something that can be fought against. It is a message of delusion. Once it’s released and starts spreading, the people whom it hits will stand by it to defend it.

It works like a virus, spreading very quickly, infecting people. You can choose to vaccinate yourself against a virus. Similarly, you can keep track of triggering to avoid being hit by brahmastras. But this doesn’t mean you can eliminate the virus. The closest analogy to brahmastras would be the ‘zombie virus’ concept that is very popular in the science fiction horror genre today. It spreads quickly, the infected will defend its existence (getting manipulated by it), and all you can do is not get infected yourself. However, this is putting it too simply.

The way to harness the brahmastras involves you directing them in a direction away from yourself. They’re weapons, not engines. They can be used to direct other people and events in the direction you need in order to create. This means that if you’re surrounded by brahmastras (and have learned to harness them), you have a lot of creative power.

Pashupatinath : “Being hit by a brahmastra intoxicates you. It makes you feel high and mighty. The other kind of brahmastra is one which pulls you down.

All criticism is basically: ‘You are not like me’. That you don’t meet their standards. People who are down will try to pull others down. Screwed up people only get irritated and criticise you because you aren’t equally screwed up. Only someone who is not screwed up can give you decent criticism.”

A delusion works best by intoxicating or pulling down people. The sudden change in feeling is because of the triggering effect of the brahmastra. Done regularly, the triggering becomes almost unnoticeable.

Criticism, given the right way, is very valuable as feedback. But the bad kind of criticism is simply a case of hostility towards someone different. Learn to see the difference.

Pashupatinath : “In any language, consonants are Shiva and the vowels are Shakti. Languages developed as a weapon. We humans created a supertribe that transcends long distances. Language creates new worlds. It is knowledge, creating effect. A yogi needs to master language to create.

You know you are a yogi if you have successfully survived 72 hours without being triggered by a brahmastra.”

Language is the medium of communication that transcends time and distance, both. It is a very powerful tool that humans have used to make amazing advances. Something a yogi needs to master in order to create.

A 72 hour period without getting triggered will make you resilient to triggering. The triggering mechanism relies on your nervous system to work. 3 rounds of deep sleep (delta brain waves) allows your nerves to let go of these reflexes permanently. Delta waves naturally happen in the brain each time you enter the state of deep and dreamless sleep, And it happens once everyday, which is why Pashupatinath said 72 hours.

Pashupatinath : “People believe that the more ancient a god idol is, the more powerful it is. God is just a feeling, of being powerful.

God is a symbol of power, not the power itself. The power comes from the wielder of the brahmastra. Idols, talismans, ‘blessings’ – all work with this power.

This power is called dhiyo yoni – The creative womb of the universe. To have power is to create.”

God figurines and tantric mandalas and yantras are simply tools used to channel the creative power of the universe. And they work, too. But that doesn’t mean they hold any power.

The power comes from the creative womb of the universe, drawn through intentions, free from the influence of brahmastras.

Pashupatinath : “The depiction of the third eye represents the door to the womb. The depiction as an eye is recent. It was originally a nath symbol called Shivalinga. When it opens, creation happens. ‘Linga’ means mark. The shivalinga figure depicts the linga through the yoni. Putting the mark into the womb seeds creation. ‘Bhattarika’ is the act of seeding intention into the womb. ‘Mahabhattarika’ is to cocreate with other beings. Whatever you feel, along with the vibration in the womb, is the creation. This is ‘damani’ – eliciting.

Start logging intentions for every hour. If you’re feeling, you’re doing ‘purva damani’, eliciting as cause. Now, intentions will come out as creation.”

Most mythological stories about shiva say that when his third eye opens, it causes destruction.

What the opening of the third eye represents is the act of creation.

Creation changes existing structures, which is a form of destruction to those who rely on these structures. But it is the most natural process in the universe, and it is what yogis do.

Pashupatinath is an exceptional yoga teacher. And he teaches yoga online at

Try a week of his coaching for free, it will be like nothing you’ve experienced before. And if you like it sign up for his inexpensive year long coaching in Nath Yoga. Never have the Nath teachings been so accessible and clear and in English.

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