The Mirror Of Magical Motivation

You See It Every Day

Passive Income Journey
3 min readMar 24, 2023
mirror of magical motivation
Photo by Bekah Russom on Unsplash

Motivation is the spark that ignites fire within us to excel.

Motivation is the engine that drive us towards the success.

So, who doesn’t need motivation?

Every one of us need it.

Isn’t it?

After all, Motivation is the wind that propels our sails forward to the goal.

So, yes, we all need motivation.

Motivation to stay consistent.

Motivation to do hard work.

Motivation to overcome obstacles on the path to success.

Yes, that’s true.

So, how do we keep ourselves recharged and motivated daily?


There’s a mirror of magical motivation that will help you about it.

That mirror will boost up your motivation.

With new sunrise, we get a new day. a new beginning, a new hope.

Each morning is beautiful, and, see that mirror in the morning.

Yes, the mirror is none other than the mirror at our home.

We must be always seeing it daily when either we are doing the tooth brush or getting ready.

But, this time, when you see the mirror, observe carefully.

It has the magical motivation.

The mirror shows a special person,

who can change your life.

who can inspire you to achieve new heights.

who can motivate you to do your best.

Yes, that special person is you, yourself.

Once you start believing in yourself, motivation is a magic.

With self-confidence. consistent efforts. and ready to accept hurdles attitude, you can climb the mountain of success.

You are your own motivation.

Your goal is your motivation.

Your success is your motivation.

And, the mirror helps you know your motivation better.

S U C C E S S, is not possible without U (you).

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Passive Income Journey

Writes about Passive Income, Self-Improvement, Writing, Books, Motivation, Positivity & Life. for digital products