How To Re-Open Your Church After COVID-19

Brandon Weddle
4 min readApr 21, 2020


Below you will find a procedure that our church has put into place to determine how we are going to phase back into having physical church services. Phase 1 begins after a stay-at-home order has been lifted.

Feel free to use, modify, or tweak this procedure to fit your specific congregation and needs! This procedure was designed for a church of less than 100 people, but can be utilized for any church size.

The following procedure will be in conjunction with the phases described in President Donald Trump’s “Opening Up America Again” Guidelines as well as current practices of other local church assemblies in our county and state. “Opening Up America Again” guidelines can be found here.

The phase and procedures the church operates under will be in harmony with the phase declared by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon or Washakie County Officials, whichever has been given authority under the “Opening Up America Again” guidelines.

Phase 1: Church Drive-In Services

Under phase 1 of the President’s guidelines, “LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under strict physical distancing protocols.”

Leadership believes that the church can meet under strict physical distancing protocols by implementing a church drive-in service. This service will be held at the physical location of the church during the typical service time on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. All other services of the church will still be canceled.

The church drive-in service will take place in the church parking lot, with the church awning acting as the stage. There will be designated parking for trucks and cars in order to offer uninhibited views of the stage area. All service attendees will be required to stay in their vehicles for the entirety of the service. The church building will NOT be open to the public during the service time.

At the end of service, there will be one person to usher the cars out of the parking lot, one at a time. There will be a second person at the exit with a bucket to collect tithes/offerings. At this time, attendees may roll down their window to place their tithe/offering in the bucket.

Online “Church At Home” services will still be available on Facebook and the Church Online Platform for those who wish to stay home or are not able to attend.

Phase 2: Physical Services Re-Instated Under Strict Guidelines

Under phase 2 of the President’s guidelines, “All individuals, WHEN IN PUBLIC (e.g., parks, outdoor recreation areas, shopping areas), should maximize physical distance from others. Social settings of more than 50 people, where appropriate distancing may not be practical, should be avoided unless precautionary measures are observed.” And “LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under moderate physical distancing protocols.”

Leadership believes that the church can meet under moderate physical distancing protocols by implementing strict in-person guidelines for church services. Under phase 2, the only church activity provided will be on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.

The physical meeting of the church will happen inside the church building. The church building will be thoroughly sanitized before each church service. There will be hand sanitizer stations at each entrance of the building for attendees to use when entering and exiting the building. There will be a “no physical touch” policy, and the offering will be collected in a basket at the back of the sanctuary. Every other row of chairs will be taken out of the sanctuary, and every third chair will be removed from each row in order to satisfy the moderate physical distancing protocol.

Online “Church At Home” services will still be available on our Church Online Platform (website) for those who wish to stay home or are not able to attend.

Phase 3: Physical Services With Limited Guidelines

Under phase 3 of the President’s guidelines, VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS can resume public interactions, but should practice physical distancing, minimizing exposure to social settings where distancing may not be practical unless precautionary measures are observed.” And LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under limited physical distancing protocols.

Leadership believes that the church can meet under limited physical distancing protocols by implementing limited guidelines. Under phase 3, the only church activity provided will be on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.

The physical meeting of the church will happen inside the church building. Leadership will continue to sanitize the church building between services and maintaining sanitation stations at each entrance to the building. The offering will be collected in a basket at the back of the sanctuary. Full rows of chairs will be placed back into the sanctuary. Limited physical contact will be allowed by church attenders.

Online “Church At Home” services will still be available on our Church Online Platform (website) for those who are not able to attend.

Subsequent Church Services and Activities After Phase 3

Church Leadership will address the possibility of returning to a normal church routine after 2 months of being in phase 3, or once phase three has been lifted by the appropriate government officials, whichever comes first.

After phase three, church activities regarding Wednesday Night Bible Study, Ladies’ Night Out, Men’s Events, Children’s Events, Church Outreach, and other usages of the building during the week will be allowed to resume. After phase 3, the church will resume partaking together in communion. Any physical restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic will be lifted.

The length of time it takes a return to normalcy after phase 3 will be at the discretion of church leadership.



Brandon Weddle

Brandon is the Lead Pastor of Mountain View Assembly in Ten Sleep, WY. He has a passion to create healthy churches in small towns all across rural America.