Douglas Goodman: Pastor Douglas Goodman is the head Pastor at V2V Community Church

Pastor Douglas Goodman
4 min readNov 12, 2018


What an amazing year it has been so far!

Pastor Douglas Goodman is the head Pastor alongside his wife Pastor Erica Goodman at V2V Community Church, a non-denominational church based in Harrow, London.

`Have there been trials? Yes but the bible tells us in Psalm 34:19 ‘Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all’.

The word says ALL not some, and MANY, not a few.

Nevertheless we press forward with our eyes on the prize and we give God the glory for His oh so many blessings.

Waking up each morning is a blessing, the ability to work is a blessing, the ability to think is a blessing, being able to breathe is a blessing, i can go on with an endless list of blessings.

At V2V Community Church we count our blessings and that’s we love the month of November, a month of thanksgivings unto the Lord.

So any testimonies, so people reasons to give God the glory.

We have had so many weddings this year including that on my son Dominic, so many engagements including that of my daughter Danielle, many new healthy babies born, many that have been believing God for a child have fallen pregnant, a new church established in Kenya and above all else many lives reconciled back unto Christ, what a 2018! and there are still 7 weeks to go.

This month we also remember those that have made immense sacrifices so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we experience today.

People sacrificed their freedoms, their futures and ultimately their lives so that we can live in world free of oppression, racism, hate and war, we honor them not just through a moment of silence but each day by living better lives, impacting our communities in a positive way, building better relationships with our neighbors near and far, using wisdom and the word of God to resolve our disagreements rather than our fists and weapons.

Pastor Douglas Goodman & Pastor Erica Goodman

Ultimately we have to remember the word of God in Ephesians 6:12 tells us ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’.

We all know what the month of December brings, a season to smile, a season of families coming together and season to celebrate.

I look forward to this period where you see so much joy on people’s faces, it’s almost as if there is an air of expectancy.

during December we have our Christmas fair planned where the church doors will be opened to the community on a Saturday so they can come in, fellowship with us and enjoy a fun-time, we also have our Christmas carol night.

This year will be amazing, do not miss it.

The carols from the choir and children, the Christmas production from our drama department, it’s going to be special.

I encourage you to make the whole season special, don’t just plan for the one day but plan for the month especially if you have children.

Create a tradition where they have something to look forward to each day, it doesn’t have to be a gift (that can wait for the 25th), it could be little things like putting up the tree on a certain day, baking on another day, going to see the Christmas lights on another day, having a movie night on another, Christmas board game night or a Christmas karaoke night, whatever it may be let it be something that will create memories and traditions that your children can pass on to their children.

As we spend time with our families let us remember those that are less fortunate and those that have no one to spend the day with.

Make time for them, visit the elderly, you say you’re too busy? This is a time of sacrifice so sacrifice your time to bring joy to someone above all else ensure they know the good news that Jesus is alive!

Whilst Christmas can be a season of great joy for many there are some that find that this season only serves to remind them of their loneliness, spare a thought for them and go out of your way to ensure that this year you go above and beyond in your giving of not just gifts but your time, love and compassion.

In all things everything we do must be centered around Christ our Lord and savior.

Jesus is the reason for the season we are going in to, whether he was born at this time of the year or not can be debated but the fact remains December the 25th is celebrated as Christmas day.

In all the travelling, spending, gifts, in all the eating, family gathering and celebrations let us remember why we have this celebration, let us remember why we are all gathered together, let us remember that Jesus Christ the only son of God was born into this world for the sole purpose of reconciling mankind back unto God through the laying down of His life.

Let us remember this chapter of the beginning of the greatest story ever told.

Have a blessed week and remember, each day you are alive is an opportunity to give God praise, an opportunity to say ‘thank you Lord’ and opportunity to testify of His goodness, an opportunity to be a blessing to others and an opportunity share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Services are every Wednesday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 11:00am.

