Why is South Korea education so successful ?

Pasuaha Yang
5 min readDec 21, 2016


South Korea are very motivated and insanely intense schools in their educations they are part of most extreme, arguably, and most successful the country is mostly competitive when the students involved with tests, which it’s also included the tests of critical thinking and analysis. The students are having enormous, pressure of their schoolwork the children study year-round, both in-school and with tutors, so they can be better in their academics If they study hard enough, they can be smart enough.

In South Korea the culture believes in hard work and diligence, there is no excuse for failure in their culture because the culture traditionally celebrates conformity pressure on students which can also have high expectations toward their families members. Education is regarded with a high priority for South Korean families as success in education holds a cultural status as well as a necessity to improve in South Korean society. At the same time, if parents have to choose between an average US education and an average Korean education for their own kids, they would choose, the Korean model. The reality is, in the modern world their kid is going to have to know how to learn, how to work hard and how to persist after failure. The Korean model teaches them not to give up, Some parents drop about 25% of their income on education, tutoring and educational materials for their children’s And most parents send their kids to extra private school after their regular school day, of how much the parents want their child to be so successful so it goes without saying that parents and students are highly motivated when it comes to school.

But in Korea the one of the goal is for the teacher is to lead the class as a community, and for peer relationships to develop with each other, The teacher focuses on developing individual relationships with students, and intervening regularly in peer relationships, The teacher want the students to do well in their school by going to school, and working hard in their academics, South Korea 93% of student graduated in high school, comparing to United States almost one quarter of all students over all. 1.2 millions of students individual each year failed in high school or dropped out mostly every year, Korean teachers are very passionate about the student’s school work and want them to have a successful life.

Being a teacher it is their responsibility to have regular workload consists of five classes that the student meet four times each week, with an additional twenty classes that meet once a week, when the student’s need help with their school work or wanting more tutoring, and also test is a big deal in Korea, 25% of the student don’t take the test seriously because if the student ever failed the test they still move up grade level, this is also happens in Europe. They will never failed behind they would just keeping moving up a grade level, and the other 75% of the student do well in high school because they want to get into a good college so students spend so much time on school work and tutoring.

As being a student there is going to be a lot of pressure on theirs schoolwork and also test at the end of high school which is their senior year they have a big examen at the end of school year, which it tells you if you are going to pass or not so you can get into a college, as a student you have a lot of responsibility of being a student, south korean teens don’t enjoy what many would consider a healthy balance of school, play, and sleep, because they are so over stress about their academics and also how they have so much pressure going on with their families, their family support in their education and also their decision they make, because they want the best for their children’s, for an example, I agree as being a student it’s very challenging, stressful and complicated because in high school it’s about doing your best in your class, having a good GPA and also grades.

Being in high school it is very stressful, of the assignments you get and how american school ruin differently from Korea schools, and also how my parents are very passionate about my school work and how I’m planning to get into colleges next year, but it get’s super overwhelm that sometime my parents are a but insane with my school work but they want me to do better and better on my school work and test, but there’s a time where I want to drop everything and not focus on school work but I have goals and dreams of what I want to be so I tell myself that “ I can do this pasuaha “ so it motivated me and also my whole family motivates me as well. But overall I do agree that being a student it is hard and challenging and stressful for me as a student.

Students in South Korea are highly motivated they have the best high-pressure environment Korean students face to motivate them, offer lots of praise for good work, And set high expectations. Education has contributed to the growth of Korea’s democratic government It has produced hardworking, skilled employees who have brought about an economic miracle within a single generation, it’s traditional values while maintaining its commitment to modernization, citizenship, and global involvement, which causes each students and also the way of learning.


  1. http://ncee.org/what-we-do/center-on-international-education-benchmarking/top-performing-countries/south-korea-overview/south-korea-system-and-school-organization/

2. https://www.clssbase.com/countries/South-Korea/Education-System

3. http://ncee.org/what-we-do/center-on-international-education-benchmarking/top-performing-countries/south-korea-overview/south-korea-education-for-all/

4. http://ncee.org/what-we-do/center-on-international-education-benchmarking/top-performing-countries/south-korea-overview/south-korea-instructional-systems/

