Did Floki really exist? Everything you need to know about Flóki Vilgerðarson the shipbuilder

Patrick Meier
4 min readDec 18, 2023


Floki Vilgerðarson undoubtedly existed, and his fascinating story is recorded in the historical book “Landnámabók”, which documents the discovery and settlement of Iceland. Nevertheless, many aspects of Floki’s origins and early life remain obscure.

Floki’s early life and ancestry

The scant historical facts about him, apart from his journey to Iceland, are as follows:

-His year of birth: it is believed that Floki was born in Norway around 830 AD.
- Parentage: His father was called “Glamur”, while his mother was named “Vilgerd Hörða-Káradóttir”.
- Royal descent: It is claimed that Floki was descended from a fallen dynasty of Jarls and thus had royal roots.

Reality vs. portrayal in the “Vikings” series

The popularity of the character Floki was significantly increased by the series “Vikings”. However, the portrayal in the series is only partially based on historical facts and serves to breathe life into this mythical Viking personality. The differences between the real character and the series version are considerable.
Floki is a popular character in the series “Vikings”. However, to the disappointment of many fans, Floki never actually met Ragnar Lothbrok, let alone his sons. In fact, the legendary Viking king Ragnar died around the year 840, while Floki was not born until 830.

The name “Vilgerðarson” and the nickname “Hrafna”

The name “Vilgerðarson” bears the imprint of a matronym, which means that it was inherited from his mother. The name is made up of “Vilgerð” (the name of Loki’s mother) and the suffix “arson”, which means “son”. Thus, “Vilgerðarson” can literally be translated as “Vilgerd’s son”.
The nickname “Hrafna Floki” was given to Floki during his expedition to Iceland. According to reports, he took three ravens with him on his journey to the icy land. This led to the honorific “Hrafna Floki”, which means “Floki with a raven” or “Lord of the Ravens” in Old Norse.

Discovery and colonization of Iceland

The discovery and colonization of Iceland are among the best documented events from the Viking Age. Two important historical sources are relevant:

“Landnámabók”: a manuscript describing the details of the colonization of Iceland. Written between the late 9th and early 10th centuries, it not only reports on the discovery of Iceland, but also names all the settlers, including Floki and his companions.
“Íslendingabók”: This work is largely derived from “Landnámabók” and means “The Book of the Icelanders” in Old Norse. Written in the 12th century, it focuses mainly on the Christianization of Iceland.

Return to Iceland

Floki’s return to Iceland to spend his life there with his family marks a significant turning point in his history. The first Viking expeditions to colonize Iceland began around the year 874.


The story of Floki Vilgerðarson, the shipbuilder and explorer, is a fascinating journey into the world of the Vikings and their conquests. Through the historical book “Landnámabók” we get an insight into his adventurous life and the brave expeditions he undertook. Despite the limited historical records, the fragments of his story that we know are invaluable in understanding the past.
He was not only a brave explorer, but also a symbol of the link between mythology and reality. His royal lineage and mysterious nickname “Hrafna Floki” lend his personality an aura of mystery. While we can follow his adventures in the series “Vikings”, it is important to emphasize that reality is often even more fascinating than fiction.
The discovery and colonization of Iceland are milestones in the history of the Vikings, and Floki Vilgerðarson played a significant role in these events. His name is associated with the pioneering work that was necessary to establish a new home on a distant island. The importance of his contribution should not be underestimated, as he laid the foundations for future generations of settlers.
The “Vikings” series may have helped bring Floki to the attention of a wider audience, but the historical sources are the real treasures that give us the opportunity to delve into the past. The differences between his real-life existence and his portrayal in the entertainment industry illustrate how legends are born and how they live on in modern times.
In a world where fiction and reality often merge, the figure of the shipbuilder remains a monument to the spirit of adventure, discovery and the urge to explore the unknown. His legacy reaches across the centuries and reminds us that even in times of great uncertainty and harsh conditions, people like Floki had the courage and determination to venture into the unknown and leave their mark on history.

