Did Ragnar Lodbrok really exist? Everything you need to know about the Viking leader

Patrick Meier
5 min readNov 30, 2023


Ragnar Lodbrok, the legendary leader of the Vikings, has long fascinated people all over the world. His adventures and heroic deeds are deeply rooted in Norse culture and have spawned numerous stories and legends over the centuries. The name Ragnar Lodbrok is also known beyond the Nordic countries, at the latest after the successful series “Vikings”. Since then, many fans have been asking themselves the question: did Ragnar Lodbrok really exist, or was it pure fiction?

Ragnar Lodbrok: Fact or fiction?

The historicity of Ragnar Lothbrok remains controversial to this day. Historical records and sources from the Viking Age are sparse and often contradictory. Nevertheless, legends and oral traditions exist that describe Ragnar’s courageous deeds and his dramatic end. These stories have grown in variety and complexity over the centuries, making it difficult to distinguish between fact and myth.

The life story of Ragnar Lodbrok

Ragnar’s early life and family background are shrouded in mystery. The legends tell of his origins as a simple farmer who rose to fame through his extraordinary bravery and cunning. His adventures, such as the raids on England and France, are an integral part of the Norse narrative tradition.

Ragnar’s relationships and descendants

As a young man, Ragnar fought against the Swedish king Fro and was supported by the powerful and beautiful shieldmaiden Lagertha. The two married and had three children, a son named Fridleif and two daughters. However, the two went their separate ways when it came to conquest, and Ragnar left Lagertha.

Ragnar then married Thora Borgarhjort, the daughter of Jarl Herraud. Together they had at least two sons, Erik and Agnar. But Thora died not long after their marriage.

Ragnar later married a peasant woman of exceptional beauty called Kraka, who later turned out to be Aslaug, the daughter of the famous hero Sigurd Fafnesbane, at least that’s what she told people. Together they had at least five children, starting with Ivar the Boneless, Björn Eisenseite , Hvitserk, Ragnvald and Sigurd Schlangenauge.

It is possible that Ragnar married a second time or had an extramarital affair, from which he produced another son, Ubbe.

Ragnar’s influence on modern culture

The portrayal of Ragnar Lothbrok in popular culture reflects his symbolic power. Films (e.g. The Vikings, 1958), books (The Legend of Ragnar Lothbrok, 2016) and series (Vikings,2013) have further solidified his legend and made him a cultural icon. The legend of Ragnar embodies Viking values such as bravery, determination and a willingness to explore the unknown.

However, some depictions have been heavily romanticized or altered for dramatic effect. This raises the question of how much truth there is in modern interpretations of Ragnar’s story.

Ragnar Lothbrok in the Vikings series

The Vikings series has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the popularity of Norse history and the Viking Age. In the series’ portrayal, the charismatic Ragnar Lothbrok is at the center of many significant events that shaped the Viking Age. These include the infamous attack on Lindisfarne in 793 and the epic siege of Paris in 845. Interestingly, putting all historical distance aside, the creators of the series have chosen to place these events in the era of Ragnar, who thus acts as a central figure in the plot.

However, there are some inconsistencies in the series. The depiction that Ragnar was the brother of the famous Viking Rollo or that he fought alongside King Harald the Hairy does not correspond to the historical records. These creative liberties can lead to a blurring of the line between fiction and reality in the series.

Nevertheless, the “Vikings” series has in its own way helped to bring Ragnar Lothbrok out of relative obscurity and make him an icon of the Viking Age. The vision of the series’ creator, Michael Hirst, has led to Ragnar’s story being taken to a global stage. The popularity of the series has made Ragnar one of the most recognizable Viking warriors of all time.

The character of Floki is also a fascinating presence in the series. But the disappointment is great when you realize that Floki never had the opportunity to meet Ragnar Lothbrok or his sons. The historical data shows that the legendary Viking king Ragnar died around the year 840, while Floki was not born until 830. Such discrepancies between fiction and fact illustrate that while the series offers an inspiring portrayal of the Viking Age, it should still be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to historical accuracy.

Archaeological evidence and finds

Despite the limited historical record, there are some archaeological finds associated with Ragnar.Some experts see these finds as evidence of Ragnar’s possible existence, while others view them skeptically.The interpretation of these finds raises questions and contributes to the ongoing debate.

The significance of Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar Lothbrok embodies the ideal of the Viking as a brave warrior and explorer. His legend continues to inspire people interested in Norse culture and history to this day.The stories of his exploits and adventures serve as a source of inspiration and honor.

The debate about Ragnar’s historicity

The debate about the existence of Ragnar Lothbrok is an ongoing challenge for historians and researchers. The discussion is characterized by different interpretations of the sources and finds.Some firmly believe in Ragnar’s historical existence, while others see him as a legendary figure, possibly based on several historical figures.


The fascination surrounding Ragnar Lothbrok, the legendary leader of the Vikings, remains alive despite centuries of stories, legends and research findings.The debate about his historicity has deep roots in the sparse and contradictory historical records as well as the rich oral traditions.The question of whether Ragnar Lothbrok really existed is a complex and intriguing challenge for historians, archaeologists and enthusiasts alike.

The sources from the Viking Age are incomplete and often riddled with myths, making it difficult to distinguish between fact and legend.Ragnar’s life, his family background and his deeds are shrouded in mystery, which has continued to weave and change over the centuries. His marriages, relationships and descendants, including prominent figures such as Bjorn, Ivar and Hvitserk, have shaped the legacy of the Viking Age.

However, the importance of the Viking leader extends beyond the historical debate. His portrayal in popular culture has made him a symbolic figure, embodying Viking values such as courage, exploration and bravery.His legend continues to inspire people interested in Norse history and culture to this day.

The archaeological finds associated with Ragnar add to the debate, but are often open to interpretation. Modern culture has further transformed and romanticized his figure, leading to questions about the authenticity of modern interpretations.

In the midst of the ongoing debate, one thing remains clear: whether Ragnar Lothbrok was a historical figure or not, his legacy is real. His legend has shaped Norse culture and identity and will always remain a symbol of the brave adventurers and explorers that the Vikings represent. While the debate about his historicity continues, Ragnar Lothbrok will live on in the annals of history and in people’s imaginations.

