AI Comes to K Street with LobbyMatic

Pat Smith
3 min readOct 9, 2023


It’s a bustling Monday morning on K Street, and a partner at one of Washington DC’s most prestigious lobbying firms begins his day by meeting with the junior associates to review opportunities that they’ve identified for one of the firm’s clients after spending the weekend on their assigned reading—an extremely dense document known as the Department of Defense 2023 Biodefense Posture Review. Meanwhile, at a smaller government relations firm down the street, two administrative staffers get to work on a mountain of scheduling emails to confirm meetings on Capitol Hill ahead of the arrival of one of the firm’s top clients later in the week.

These scenes of eye-watering tedium have come to define the daily function of DC lobbying firms, with some even seeing it as a rite of passage.

Not so long ago, Wall Street was plagued by similar inefficiencies. Trades scribbled out with pen and paper, quotes only updated as fast as the ticker tape could be printed, and of course, the sound of raspy voices and a distinct musk that hung in the air—constant reminders of the physical crucible of open outcry floor trading.

That all changed as electronic trading, lightening fast data feeds and artificial intelligence saw widespread adoption on Wall Street, creating massive increases in efficiency, and profits. Now, that same technological revolution is coming to K Street, with LobbyMatic.

LobbyMatic is a software platform that enables lobbyists to complete the most time consuming, tedious parts of their daily workflow in just a few clicks. Powered by GPT-4, and fueled by hundreds of sources of real-time government data and news, the platform obviates the need for chatbots and handles all the prompting on the back-end, delivering a simple and intuitive point-and-click interface to the user.

Imagine using an AI application to read the entire 2,500+ page National Defense Authorization Act, and extract all the components of the bill relevant to each of your clients in mere seconds, with just a few clicks. Or sending a dozen emails to congressional staffers, along with a one-sheeter on your client’s particular issue, without ever touching your keyboard. And then imagine summarizing all this work in a professionally written update memo that’s indistinguishable from one written by-hand, and effortlessly sending it through the mail, via the application’s USPS API integration. All of that, and much more, is possible with LobbyMatic.

LobbyMatic’s platform provides all the legislative and executive branch data and directories that you could ever want, seamlessly combined with a secure client management platform and powered by the most advanced large language model ever devised.

The LobbyMatic platform has been developed with input from some of Washington’s most seasoned lobbyists to ensure that it delivers effective and, just as importantly, reliable output. Unlike other government affairs software, which only offer trivial tools for viewing public data, LobbyMatic is a full fledged AI automation solution.

LobbyMatic is a force-multiplier for small firms, allowing them to punch above their weight and deploy a much higher volume of advocacy, without compromising on the quality of their efforts. For large firms, LobbyMatic’s collaboration features enable managers to set objectives, assign tasks and optimize productivity, while carefully controlling access to sensitive information.

LobbyMatic’s AI-powered software is designed to transform the way firms approach lobbying. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, the platform frees up time on a scale measured in days and weeks, not just hours.

To learn more about LobbyMatic, visit today.

