Sprites using Filebase

Millennial Falcon

Pat G
Dec 5, 2021

Install Filebase in Unity

  • Thousands of ready-to-go game assets built for Unity.

Getting the Assets

  • Open Filebase
  • Search for ‘falcon
Search for ‘falcon’, click on the asset and then click on the ‘download’ button.
Search for ‘Transparent”, click on the asset and then click on the ‘download’ button.

Prep Camera and Assets


Can be a top-down or side view.

Top-down View
Side View
Once happy with the view press on the main camera and focus on the object using the following keys. PC — Shift, CTRL, F | MAC — Shift, CMD, F.
Go to TransparentBackgroundScreenshotRecorder ; Follow the directions on the Script.

Usage of Transparent BackgroundScreenRecorder:

1. Attach this script to your chosen camera’s game object.

2. Set that camera’s Clear Flags field to Solid Color.

Solid color

3. Use the inspector to set frameRate and framesToCapture

4. Choose your desired resolution in Unity’s Game window (must be less than or equal to your screen resolution)

5. Turn on “Maximise on Play”

6. Play your scene. Screenshots will be saved to YourUnityProject/Screenshots by default.

Press Play and wait.
You should see a log once its done.
Rotate -45
Rotate 45
In the end, you will have 1 top dow view, and 2 angle views.

Open Photoshop

Use these settings


Drop ScreenShots in the Photoshop Scene.
Rasterize all three
Using the Slice tool slice it into 4x4
Make sure you scale them to the same size and then move them into their individual slice
remove background before saving
Export as png

Back to Unity

Apply then press Sprite Editor
Then you will have 3 new sprites!

