What does the R say in AR| VR | MR | XR ?

Pat G
3 min readMar 14, 2022

Review of What is Mixed Reality? by Milgram et al.

Objective: To digest What is Mixed Reality?

Terminology & Applications

VR = Virtual Reality (Computer-generated Virtual world)

VR: Replaces Reality: Computer-generated, virtual environment. no real world view, only virtual. R = Synthetic World

VR Characteristics

  1. VR Emphasizes autonomy/agency [head tracking, body as input]
  2. VR Provides natural Interaction [Gestures ( control, hand & finger), speech]
  3. VR gives a sense of presence [immersive, multi-sensory (visual, + audio + haptic + …)

AR= Augmented Reality (Enhanced Physical World)

AR: Enhances Reality. The virtual world merged with the physical world. Real + Virtual, composite view. R = Real World

AR Characteristics

  1. AR combines real + Virtual Objects [composite view, not just visual objects)
  2. AR is interactive in real-time (explicit & implicit interaction)
  3. AR is registered in 3D ( Aligns real & virtual objects as if part of the same world *Spatially)

MR = Mixed Reality (Includes AR + AV, usually not VR)

Milgram et al.: Augmented Reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality continuum (1994)

Six working definitions MR
1. The reality-virtuality continuum as defined by Milgram, is one of the popular definitions.

2. Mixed reality as a synonym for augmented reality.

3. Mixed reality as a combination of AR and VR.

4. Mixed reality as a “stronger” version of AR.

5. Mixed reality as a type of collaboration.

6. Mixed reality is the idea of aligning physical virtual environments.

XR = Extended Reality ( X is a wildcard for A, V, or M)

XR Technology Landscape

Technology can be used to help define where an application falls on the continuum of XR.

Four Classes of XR Technology

  1. Devices :
  • Standalone / Built-in (Quest, HoloLens,…)
  • Tethered / Adapter (Cardboard, Rift, Vive, …)

2. Platforms:

  • Specific (Oculus, Vive, Magic Leap, …)
  • Cross-platform (SteamVR, WMR, WebXR, …)

3. Applications:

  • XR Apps ( Bear Saber, Snapchat, …)
  • Apps with XR views/modes ( IKEA, Amazon Shopping, …)

4. Tools:

  • Design ( Tilt Brush, Quill, Aero, …)
  • Development ( A-Frame, Unity, Unreal, …)

Tech Selection

University of Michigan
University of Michigan


  • M. Speicher, B.D. Hall, M. Nebeling: What is Mixed Reality? In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4–9, 2019.

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