Why MSG is actually healthier than Salt

Monosodium Glutamate vs Sodium Chloride

Pat Alcala
2 min readDec 26, 2023


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Wait, how come MSG is healthier than salt? The very substance found in processed food, canned food, and unhealthy snacks is considered healthier.

I understand many people avoid the use of MSG for health reasons. Some countries even banned the use of MSG. So, this might be hard to swallow.

The Controversy

The hatred for MSG began in 1968 when Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok sent a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine saying that he felt some ailment after eating at a Chinese restaurant. He claimed that the use of MSG was to blame.

No investigation, no studies — just a letter to an editor that started the controversy. Weird, right?

Actual study

Several years later, after many experiments and social studies, the FDA finally stated that MSG is safe to consume at a moderate level.

What about the Dr. Kwok case?

There’s no denying that Dr. Kwok’s claim is true. But it wasn’t MSG’s fault, either. Even his letter was labeled as racist. Although MSG did make him sick, it wasn’t the whole truth.

The culprit

Answer: Sodium

Consuming sodium is beneficial, but having too much sodium in your blood leads to various ailments.

Why is MSG healthier than salt?

MSG is only 12% sodium, but salt is 40% sodium.


I’m not saying you should replace salt with MSG; actually, you could combine them for maximum taste. But remember, moderately.

The takeaway is that, in order to reduce sodium in your diet, consider replacing some portion of salt with MSG. Or at least minimize salt if you still want to avoid MSG

Other sources I found online

