The Difference Between Chemo and Radiation

salauddin khan
5 min readMay 30, 2018


Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy? What Are the Differences?

What Is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy, or chemo, is a procedure in which drugs are utilized to treat growth.

It is a “fundamental” treatment — working through the entire body to keep the spread of the infection. The drug(s) utilized will change contingent upon the sort and phase of malignancy and additionally the patient’s age and wellbeing. The objective of chemotherapy is to stop the spread of tumor to different parts of the body.

Chemotherapy is directed by a restorative oncology (tumor) wellbeing proficient, regularly a medical caretaker or specialist. Chemo can be conveyed as an outpatient system, in a healing facility, a specialist’s office, or even at home in any of the accompanying ways:

· Infusion into muscle, vein, or corridor

· Orally

· Infusion into the body, (for example, the guts)

· Coordinate skin application

Chemotherapy symptoms

Chemo symptoms shift contingent upon the sort and measure of chemotherapy sedate utilized and how the body responds to it. Since chemotherapy drugs travel through the body, they can likewise affect sound cells, prompting an assortment of reactions.

· Chemo is intended to kill quickly developing malignancy cells, however this can once in a while prompt symptoms including the body’s other, sound quickly developing cells.

· Blood framing cells in the bone marrow (frailty, expanded danger of contamination, wounding)

· Hair follicles (impermanent male pattern baldness)

· Cells in the mouth, stomach related and regenerative tract (queasiness, misfortune hunger, blockage, looseness of the bowels)

Some chemo medications can harm cells in the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and sensory system. Your specialist screens you intently and may endorse drugs to secure your body’s ordinary cells. There are additionally medications to help ease reactions.

Take in more about chemotherapy treatment at UPMC Hillman CancerCenter.

What Is Radiation Therapy?

Radiation treatment is the utilization of high-vitality particles or waves to demolish or harm disease cells.

Radiation is conveyed utilizing unique gear that sends high measurements of radiation to the malignancy cells or tumor. Radiation can likewise influence sound cells, notwithstanding, ordinary cells can repair themselves, while disease cells can’t.

Once in a while radiation is utilized to treat tumor, or it might be utilized to enable you to rest easy, for example, to limit bone torment, for instance. Radiation treatment can happen without anyone else, however it’s as often as possible joined with chemotherapy as an exhaustive growth treatment program.

Radiation treatment contrasts from chemotherapy — it is utilized to treat only the tumor, so it influences just the piece of the body that has disease.

Sorts of radiation treatment

Radiation can be controlled in two ways: inside or remotely:

Outside: External bar radiation is conveyed from a machine. It is fundamentally the same as accepting a chest X-beam. The vast majority are dealt with five days seven days for one to 10 weeks, contingent upon the sort and area of malignancy, their general wellbeing, and different elements. The treatment just takes a couple of minutes, and isn’t for the most part given throughout the end of the week.

You will be requested to lie level on a treatment table, under the radiation machine. Different parts of your body might be ensured with extraordinary shields or pieces to keep the radiation from heading off to those zones.

Outer medicines include:

· 3D conformal radiation treatment after the tumor is mapped through imaging, light emissions treat the carcinogenic tumor.

· Force regulated radiation treatment (IMRT) enables the radiation oncologists to all the more accurately “custom shape” the state of the tumor. This conveys the appropriate measure of radiation all the more precisely, and in addition jelly sound tissue encompassing the tumor.

Inward: Radiation that is set within the body is called interior radiation treatment or brachytherapy. A radioactive source, called an embed, is set specifically to the tumor or close to the tumor. This conveys expansive dosages of radiation to specifically to the wellspring of your tumor. These inserts may resemble a wire, pellet, or seeds.

On the off chance that the inserts are left in your body, you might be given uncommon directions, for example, to confine your chance with or potentially keep away from youngsters or pregnant ladies. Following half a month to a couple of months, the inserts quit emitting radiation, and you can come back to ordinary exercises. The embed, nonetheless, will stay in your body until the end of time.

A few inserts might be expelled following a time of hours or days. Frequently, they are directed in a healing facility private room, and guests might be permitted to remain with you for brief timeframes.

The most widely recognized kinds of growths treated with interior radiation treatment are:

· Breast

· Cervical, ovarian, pelvic

· Head and neck

· Lung

· Perianal

· Prostate

What Cancer Treatment Is Best for Me?

Your treatment design might be chemotherapy, radiation treatment, medical procedure, or any blend of these.

It is imperative that you comprehend your choices, so patients are urged to make inquiries. On the off chance that you inquire about the sorts of growth medications accessible, ensure you’re utilizing a solid source. Your oncologist and social insurance group will work intimately with you to decide your best treatment design.

For more data on chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and the treatment alternatives, visit :

Best Oncologist in Hyderabad | Famous Oncology Doctor in Hyderabad

“Famous Oncologist in Hyderabad — Dr.Sachin Marda is one of the best and famous Oncology doctors in Hyderabad, working as Consultant in Surgical Oncology at Yashoda Hospital.

Cancer India — Dr. Sachin Marda uses the most advanced technology to ensure high precision radiation therapy treatment to improve cancer control and minimize side effects, Chemotherapy Specialist in Hyderabad — CancerIndia, Radiotherapy Treatment in Hyderabad — CancerIndia


