Meet Your New Fitness Buddy, Sweaty Bird

Pat DeSantis
4 min readNov 3, 2016


While I love the  Watch, particularly as a fitness tracker, the stock workout app leaves me wanting more. My three biggest complaints are:

  1. There aren’t enough workouts and activity types.
  2. It takes too long to start tracking a workout.
  3. I often forget to start or stop workout tracking.

So like any good nerd, I spent my summer eschewing the gym to instead build a better workout app. Without further ado, let me introduce you to Sweaty Bird!

Workout Squad, assemble!

Sweaty Bird addresses the problems with the stock workout app in a few simple ways.

1. Not enough workouts

In the Workout app, everything besides cardio is lumped into the “Other” category, which means your workout history can look rather bland. With Sweaty Bird, you get access to over 60 workouts supported by  Health!

Workout history in  Health when using the stock Workout app
Workout history in  Health when using Sweaty Bird

2. Takes too long to start a workout

While the  Watch is lookin’ so fresh and so clean (especially if you’re on #teamrosegold), you’re at the gym to work out, not fiddle with your wrist-computer. By assigning your workouts to locations, Sweaty Bird shows you only the workouts you care about, when you care about them.

Customize your workouts to specific locations.

3. Forgetting to start your workout

Gone are the days of losing workout stats — and trash talk opportunities — because you forgot to start tracking your workout. Sweaty Bird gives you a notification when you arrive at one of your workout locations. Just tap the workout button to start tracking, with no need to even open the app!

4. Forgetting to stop your workout

Say goodbye to the days of “accidentally” leaving your workout running while driving home in the car. While I’d love it if driving time counted the same as time on the treadmill, our bodies don’t work that way. Neither should your watch.

If you leave your workout running when you leave your workout zone, Sweaty Bird will automatically ask you if you meant to stop tracking.

Just because you spent an hour with your foot pressed down on the brake pedal doesn’t mean you can skip leg day.

5. Bragging rights!

Last, but certainly not least, who doesn't like to trash talk after a good workout session? Sweaty Bird lets you share your workouts with fun penguin stickers. Encourage your friends to keep going, or, if you’re like me, work on your trash talk game!

Tracking your workouts and activities in Apple Health has never been easier, so you can focus on staying fit.

Sweaty Bird is available now in the App Store.

Stay sweaty, my friends!

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