Data Science: Getting Started with PowerBI — Prepare data for Analysis and Model Preparation.

Rushi Patel
3 min readOct 28, 2021


Power BI

Power BI is a programme that allows you to generate and publish reports and data stories based on your data. With Power BI, you can create extremely interactive, engaging, and powerful reports, dashboards, or graphics. You can connect to any data (Excel files, SQL databases, BI warehouses, Cloud data, APIs, web pages, and more), mash it up, link tables together, create clickable visualisations, and share them securely with your audience using Power BI.

Visualization Types Available in Power BI

  • Area charts
  • Line charts
  • Bar charts
  • Column charts
  • Combo charts
  • Pie charts
  • Doughnut charts, and many more

There many other types are there rather than these. One can visit this site for more information regarding this.

The Power BI home screen

Home Screen
  1. Ribbon — Shows common tasks connected with reports and visualizations in the task bar below.
  2. Fields Pane — Shows you the tables, folders, and fields in your data you may use to create visualizations.
  3. Visualizations Pane — Where you can change visualizations, customize colors or axes, apply filters, drag fields, and more.
  4. Filter Pane — This is where you can apply filters to your images.
  5. Report View or Canvas — Visualizations are produced and arranged.
  6. Report, Data, and Model views — Select the icons in the left column to transition between Report, Data, and Model views.
  7. Pages tab — This is where you would select or create a report, and it is located at the bottom of the page.

We will create the following relationship between fields

Model Structure

Loading the dataset in PowerBI

Select Navigator, now select the .xlsx file which contains data

DS_B2_PR-7.xlsx loaded
Dataset loading in the fields pane

Open the fields tab for exploration.

All the Field loaded

Click on individual field to open the required field for exploration.

Now, lets manage the relationships between the fields. Open the manage relationship tab from task bar which will show output like below:

Relationships present in the dataset
Autodetecting relationships present in the dataset

Once, the relations are maintained, lets generate the model. Open the model generate option in pages tab and it will generate a model.

Model Generation

Next, we will see the creation of dashboard in next blog.

Keep Reading ;))

