What is Syzygy? All You Need to know About Syzygy Phenomenon

Dec 10, 2022


We know, the universe is full of amazing things and phenomenon. Every day thousands of phenomenon occurs in space but we know a few o them. Syzygy, is one of the rarest astronomical phenomenon that occurs in space. Today’s article is all about Syzygy and topics related with Syzygy.

What is Syzygy?

Syzygy is the astronomical phenomenon, when three celestial are aligned together, that position is called Syzygy. For example, when Solar and Lunar eclipse occurs, then Sun, Earth and Moon are in a straight line position. Thus, Solar and Lunar eclipses are examples of Syzygy position.

See the image below for better understanding;

Syzygy is the astronomical phenomenon, when three celestial are aligned together, that position is called Syzygy. For example, when Solar and Lunar eclipse occurs, then Sun, Earth and Moon are in a straight line position. Thus, Solar and Lunar eclipses are examples of Syzygy position.

get full article: What is Syzygy? All You Need to know About Syzygy Phenomenon




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