About who I am and what my goal is:

Shubh Patel
Jan 21, 2024


I’m Shubh! I’m from India, and I’m a 14-year old.

I love to read and write, study Maths, Physics and English, do swimming, play basketball, draw and make Lego projects.

My goal is not just to write, but to explore on many untouched, fascinating and interesting topics many people are unaware of in the world.

Photo by Tim Rüßmann on Unsplash

I’ll explain these topics in less than 100 words and in a very simple and straightforward way.

I hope you all read my work!!

-Shubh Patel



Shubh Patel

Hi! I’m Shubh, a writer who writes short articles on many untouched topics of the world!