GitHub Workshop

patel vraj
3 min readNov 12, 2019


Hi, My name is Vraj Patel. currently, I am pursuing my bachelor in computer science engineering from ITM Universe, Vadodara.

We have started the Campus Club in our college, which is the Xplora Campus club. There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work towards the same goals. Xplora Club is a community made up of student developers from the ITM Universe, Vadodara. This kind of immense power is what was experienced on the 5th September 2019 at the ITM Universe Tim Berners lee lab.

The workshop started at 11:30 am and ended at 1:30 pm. I was the facilitator. I started by introducing GitHub and explaining its purpose to the attendees. We then got to the most interesting hands-on part of the event. We practiced what we learned by collaborating on a small project.

Attendees in GitHub Workshop

Starting with GitHub

GitHub is an online version control tool (the online version of Git).

To put it simply, GitHub is used for collaborating on code with your teammates or other people that you’ve never met before. It allows a group of people to work together in an orderly manner (even though there is a bit of a learning curve in the beginning!).

GitHub Workshop

First Steps

Then walked us through the steps required to start our own GitHub repository (project).

These were:

  1. create a GitHub account
  2. create a new repository (a new project); also known as a repo
  3. commit our changes to the README file
  4. create other files and commit them to the repository

Working with Teammates

Also explained the usual workflow for multiple people working on a project at the same time — they need to create new branches.

This is a great video that sums it up succinctly.

We also talked about another concept: pull requests.

Let’s say you’ve added some changes to the project, and want the team to adopt these changes. What you would do next is to issue a pull request (also known as creating a pull request).

Pull request: You are requesting the team to pull (and merge) your contribution into the official code.

At last Working With Git Command

As we learn I how to use Git command in Git Bash and terminal.

Git Bash is for windows.
The Git terminal is for MacOs and Linux.
The audience is amazing and interactive with a facilitator and more exciting to learn open-source control.

Presentation of GitHub Workshop :

