Are they?

Are Narcissists Possessed? (An Urban Legend)

Everything Gaurav.
3 min readJan 16, 2023


Today, gonna share my own observations and intuitions on Narcissistic Abuse cycle, and how I see and view it, in addition to it being a mental disorder in modern medical world.

I was recently reading an urban legend which described Narcissists as possessed beings lurking in the dark, and all the people who displays strong sense of other sub-types of typical or atypical Narcissism, are in a way, possessed beings, controlled and manipulated by ghastly beings and the dark ghoulish world.

I mean, before even jumping to this conclusion, first let’s talk about what are Narcissists, for all the readers who are not familiar with this terminology of describing menacing and abhorrent behavioral patterns.

So Narcissists are people with exaggerated and grandiose sense of self esteem and displays a strong desire to get appreciated or of getting rewarded in worldly means by all the pleasures our brain could possibly fathom, to satisfy their impulses, and have an increasingly disordered tendency of using others for their own malicious and miscellaneous purposes, and lacking completely when it comes to empathy, consider them as being totally devoid of empathetic reservoirs and centers.

Now, if we view it from a Medical or a doctor's version of things, we can conclude that narcissists are indeed people having painful mental health problems, some arising out of childhood trauma, some acquired or even artificially developed as a means to survival, or some being genetically sown to a person's psyche, being connected to their genetic linkages.

Only thing we can do to lessen the pain they could inflict upon us, is maintaining safe and healthy distance from them, and not giving them attention, remember they are hungry for attention, and if are not given the same, would resort to petty tactics of initiating drama and chaos to get what they want, the goal always is to blur the victims perceptions and hold on their said versions of reality.

But this doesn’t take away some chances of it all being a story of a human being strongly and innately possessed with dangerous beings, if we do indeed believe in angelic realm, we can conclude there are all sorts of dark energy creatures walking around us each second, probably even preying on our vulnerabilities, what if Narcissists at one point in their life, became so vulnerable to human contact, or healing their traumas, that they completely became weak, shallow, and indefensibly susceptible to outwardly forces, that these dark energies sticked to them that very moment onward, and never really left them, something like what Venom does to Peter Parker in the third Trilogy of Spider Man, where Peter himself greedy of feeling all powerful in someway or the other, releases the universal message of allowing dangerously parasitic creatures like Venom get a hold of his body, soul, and heart, mental functionalities, and let it guide his actions thereafter.

I'm just asking an interesting question, that postulates the probability of Narcissism not being any mental health condition but a problem with the said person's internal regulation of vibes and energies.

At the end of the day, as the third law of thermodynamics, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it simple changes its forms.

There is just an inherently high probability of it being a thing, that narcissists are weak creatures, with all sorts of negative and downwardly spiraling energies associated with them.

Therefore as a matter of fact, forgiving a Narcissist shouldn't be even an option, because that person you are looking in them is most probably long dead, what remains is just an extension of a ghoul's and negative spirit's desires and wants.

