Top 3 Best Free & Open Source CRM software in 2021

Saurav Pathak
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Odoo, SuiteCRM and Krayin are some of the best and free open source CRM software in 2021

Let’s dive into each of the CRM in more detail so that you can make a better choice.

Odoo CRM

With over 5 million users, Odoo is the top open-source CRM today. Odoo is an open-source ERP software that comes with various modules that include CRM modules as well.

Odoo CRM
Source: Odoo CRM

Odoo is highly complex along with CRM that includes WMS, HR management software, and many others.

Github Repository:-


  • Built on python and very popular community available.
  • Easy to use UI/UX with pipeline and leads management.
  • Kanban View to track sales Lead


  • A highly complex platform is not an easy task to customize
  • Not a dedicated CRM software it is a module so the extra load will be there on the server
  • During customization need to be taken care of in other models as well because it is tightly integrated with other functionality.


SuiteCRM is one of the most popular PHP-based open source CRM software. It is open-source and includes REST API that will help you to seamlessly integrate with your other business system.

Suite CRM
Source: Suite CRM

The most important thing with SuiteCRM is, it is completely free with no limitation on users.

Github Repository:-


  • A popular community is available.
  • Marketplace extension is also available; vendors can add their own plugins.
  • It is built on scratch PHP so anyone can customize it as per their need.
  • In-built marketing modules.


  • UI is a little outdated so improvement is required in UI.
  • It is not using any standard framework in CRM development so it’s hard to upgrade and long learning cycle.
  • The developer guide needs to be updated.
  • It becomes slow on large databases.


Krayin CRM is a new kid in open source CRM software. It is built on the most popular PHP framework Laravel. Since krayin inherits features of laravel, this makes krayin super flexible and scalable CRM software.

Krayin CRM
Source: Krayin CRM

Github Repository:-


  • Built on laravel which is the most popular PHP based framework
  • Easy customization
  • Complete modular architecture also Marketplace for CRM apps is also available(coming soon)
  • Easy to create lead and manage through Kanban view
  • Unlimited Custom field(custom attribute)


  • It is a new CRM software so don’t have a big community
  • More documentation is required.

Let us know your thoughts on the above CRM solution or recommend one.

