Why I don’t like Gary Vaynerchuk.

Lance Smith
4 min readFeb 3, 2017


This loud mouthed, cocky, arrogant, noisy, guy who shouts and curses all the time in videos, sit’s there yell’s about hustle, grind, DO. I don’t like him.


Well first, I bet I have your attention now. I’m curious how many people even read this far before hating on me. Maybe some of you are now dissapointed I didn’t keep on ranting bad about him.

3 Reasons I don’t like Gary Vaynerchuk

  1. He shouts the truth. The truth is hard to listen to at times. Lets be honest here. Someone tells you that you have problem, you instantly go into denial. Gary teaches that we all have this problem, and I guarantee I’m not the only one who starts denying it. “YOU’RE LAZY!!!” “GET OFF YOUR A$$ AND DO SOMETHING!” — You want to deny that I’m sure. No one want’s to be known as the “lazy guy.” No sane person. No one wants to be told they suck at the Hustle. That they’re not thinking big enough. That who they’re currently listening to is hurting them, like their friends or family. To take responsibility for everything, and quit making excuses. The truth sucks.
  2. He moves too fast to keep up. If you look up the definition of the word “Hustle” it say’s “…See Gary Vaynerchuk.” You know what it takes to be successful? Getting up and hustling. That’s what. It takes a lot of heart, soul and a whole lot of Hustle. You know where a lot of us would rather be? (Yes, I’m including myself) We would rather be sitting down playing video games, watching movies, sleeping, relaxing, letting life just simply slip by. It’s the easy way, the “less stressful” way (we lie to ourselves). Gary talks about the truth of what it takes to get what you want, and it’s that. Hustle Muscle. Going out and doing, rather than thinking, planning, strategizing. It’s just a GO DO mentality that you have to take. It takes day in and day out hustle. Comfort is much easier than hustle. But comfort never got us what we really want.
  3. He’s famous and has a lot of reach in the world. Oh how the jealousy rages inside sometimes. This guy right here, has all the cool connections, the money, the fame, the networking with big power players. What do I have? A small iPad that I’m writing this blog on. Where’s the line between inspiration and jealousy? Gary is able to help a lot of people, something I want to do. He shows everyone what it takes to reach your goals. It takes action, lot’s of it. Lot’s of hustle. Making no excuses. Taking responsibility. Going out and DOING IT!!! It’s so much easier to just sit back and watch his videos, and listen to his podcast, retweet his photos, and watch his Snapchats. It’s so much easier to do that, than to go out and do what you really want to in life. Because you know what it takes to get there. Gary shouts the truth out in every instagram video, every photo, every live stream, every podcast, every article, every #askgaryvee show, everything and everywhere.


I don’t really not like Gary Vaynerchuk, I tried my best to write this in a satirical way to catch readers attention. I’m sorry if you feel used, wronged, cheated, or tricked. I take full and total responsibility for that.

Gary is actually very inspirationsal, and I have a lot of respect for the guy. I wanted to show what it is I’m learning from Gary in a way that breaks it down in a very honest, and easy way, and in a way that I knew would get emotions going.

Gary Vaynerchuk shouts out the truth everyday, that we need to realize how big our full potential is, how we can do great things, how we can CRUSH IT! It does take a lot of Hustle, you do have to stop making excuses, and you HAVE TO go out and just DO IT!

It’s tough hearing these things because we all just want success to fall in our laps so we can skip all the tough and trying times in between, and just start enjoying our luxury life. But one thing that I’m learning from Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, and Robert Kiyosaki, is that you have to put in the work. When you are working toward your purpose, your goals, and your dreams, it won’t really feel like work. You’ll be able to get through the tough times, and one day break out and have the success you want.

I wish everyone incredible success, keep on hustling, keep on working toward that incredible potential that is in each and every one of you! Never lose focus on your dreams and goals, and as Gary Vaynerchuk would say “CRUSH IT!”

#Action! #passion #dedication #success #determination #quoteoftheday #hardwork #business #businessbuilding #businessman #execute



Lance Smith

Writing my thoughts, ideas, and whatever else I feel like. Enjoy!